Welcome Page

Meteorology and Operational Oceanography

The NPS METOC program is 10 quarters (2.5 years) long and yields you an MS degree in Meteorology and Physical Oceanography plus a 6401P subspecialty code. Students take a series of courses in both disciplines and a thesis is required. USAF and PhD programs focus on one discipline and allow for concentrated study in a particular area. The Meteorology and Oceanography departments at NPS boast world class faculty and cutting edge research. Most students enjoy working with our excellent faculty and find their time here to be very rewarding.

My job is to support you in your educational efforts and answer any questions you have as a future, current, or graduated student. This website is designed to answer some of these questions, but please do not hesitate to contact me directly at (831) 656-2045 or shelley.caplan@nps.edu.

CDR Shelley Caplan
Program Officer

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