USMC - Technology Resources - Main content

Technology Resources

Remote Access and Wireless Services 

Instructions on remote access, VPN, CloudLab, and wireless networks can be found here.

NPS Intranet can be found at myNPS

Telephone and Mobile Devices 

Includes all telecommunications resources, including guidance on mobile and personal device connectivity at NPS can be found here


For all of this information and more - everything from account and password management, email, cybersecurity, and software downloads - please visit the ITACS main page for reliable help and support. 

Email Pre-Registration

Email Pre-Registration

Within 30-90 days of your NPS report date, the Student Services Office will send you an email with instructions on setting up your NPS email account. Please complete all pre-registration steps prior to your arrival. 

**NOTE: You must be within 90 days of your arrival date to set up your NPS email account. 

***If you are accessing the website using Windows 2000 and XP, you must enter your login as follows:

ern\userid . If you are asked to enter a domain name enter: ern . 

Password Instructions: 

  • NN<ccc>--<ssss><fl>abc123
  • Where <ccc> represents the student's 3-digit curriculum number
  • <ssss> represents the student's last four digits of the SSN
  • <fl> represents the student's first initial and last initial as lowercase characters. 
  • After your initials add: abc123
  • For example, student Jane Smith with curric 368 with the last four of her SSN as 9876would have the following password:         NN368--9876jsabc123

Passwords are case sensitive so the "NN" must be uppercase and the first and last initial must be entered as lowercase for the password to work. 

*Your e-mail account must be used at least once a month or it will be deactivated.