Research Summaries
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2020 Reactive Material Exploration and Screening Physics Hooper, Joseph P. View
2021 NPS-CIRPAS Airborne Research for ONR in 2021 Meteorology Bucholtz, Anthony View
2007 Atmospheric Optical Turbulence Sensor Development: Wave Propagation Physics Walters, Donald L. View
2008 Scalable Network Monitoring (SNM) Program Physics Ford, David K. View
2008 Investigation of the Effects of Hydro-Reaction During Hypervelocity Impact and Penetration Physics Brown, Ronald E. View
2010 Bering Sea Studies and Data Collection Oceanography Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2011 Regional Numerical Weather Prediction for Aerosol Modeling Meteorology Chang, Chih-Pei View
2012 NPS Research Collaboration with Advanced Guidance, Navigation and Control Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2012 Smart CMG Control Electronics for Enhancing Spacecraft Performance Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2013 Further Development of the Patchy Method for Solving the Partial Difference and Differential Equations of Nonlinear Control Applied Mathematics Krener, Arthur J. View
2015 Analysis of Ship Magnetic Signature Using Nonlinear Control System Methods Electrical & Computer Engineering Yun, Xiaoping View
2016 RSC Support to USPACOM China Strategic Initiative Physics Olsen, Richard C. View
2019 NPS ASW Certificate Program Undersea Warfare Academic Group Ellis, Winford G. View
2020 Compilation, analysis, and documentation of experimental submarine data from previous captive model testing Systems Engineering Klamo, Joseph View
2021 Emerging Principles in Dynamic Optimization Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2007 Strategic Laser Communications Assessment for the USN SSN and SSBN Fleet Physics Walters, Donald L. View
2008 Ward Identities in Communications Physics Ford, David K. View
2009 Investigation of the Effect of Hydro-Reaction During Hypervelocity Impact Physics Brown, Ronald E. View
2008 Toward a Predicative Model of Arctic Coastal Retreat in a Warming Climate, Beaufort Sea, Alaska Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2011 Intraseasonal Forecasts of Tropical Cyclone Events: Transition to Operations Meteorology Elsberry, Russell L. View
2010 Situational Awareness in Urban Areas Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Yakimenko, Oleg A. View
2012 Multiscale Pseudospectral Optimal Control for Space Applications Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2013 NPS-NRL-Rice-UIUC Collaboration on Navy Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled Models on Many-Core Computer Architectures Applied Mathematics Wilcox, Lucas C. View
2014 Canright NSA Sabbatical Applied Mathematics Canright, David R. View
2016 Combat Systems Science and Engineering Curriculum Support Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2018 Selective Denial of Service in Next Generation Cellular Networks Electrical & Computer Engineering Roth, John D. View
2019 Catalytic Production of Carbon Nanotubes in a Plasma Energy Academic Group (EAG) Phillips, Jonathan View
2020 Moldova Critical Network & Energy Security Education Program Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2021 Coastal Meteorology Analysis and Prediction Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2007 Receiver Operating Characteristic for Underwater Acoustic Modems Physics Wilson, Jason K. View