Research Summaries
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2015 Development of a Sea-Bed Tethered Multi-Copter Platform Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Jones, Kevin D. View
2015 Development of a Language Compiler for Automatic Intelligence Mission Data (IMD) Analysis Computer Science Rowe, Neil C. View
2015 Development of a Big Data Application Architecture for MPTE Naval Research Program Kamel, Magdi N. View
2015 Development of Operational Planning Decision Aides for the Maritime Operations Center Operations Research Brown, Gerald G. View
2015 Development of Non-Traditional Detection Algorithms for Undersea Warfare Naval Research Program Radko, Timour View
2015 Development of Environmental Datasets in Support of the Joint Aerial Layer Network, Maritime (JALN-M) Project Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2015 Development of Diagnostic Sensors for Self-Sustained Pulse Detonation Engine Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Brophy, Christopher M. View
2015 Development and Evaluation of Enhanced Training and Injury Recovery Program for SOP Operators Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Cunha, Jesse M. View
2015 Developing and Sustaining a Modern Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Workforce Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2015 Developing a Paradigm for High Energy Density Capacitive Energy Storage Naval Research Program Phillips, Jonathan View
2015 Developing Resilience in a Ready Force: Assessments and Intervention Naval Research Program Powley, Edward H. View
2015 Developing Flag Officers in 2025 and Beyond Naval Research Program Denning, Peter J. View
2015 Details of Knox Millsaps to ONR Code 351 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Hobson, Garth V. View
2015 Design, Development and Assessment of a Tethered Long-Endurance UAV for Homeland Security Applications Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Jones, Kevin D. View
2015 Design of a Periscope LPI Radar, Secure Communication and EW Multifunction System Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2015 Design of Experiments for Follow-On Operational Test of the Aegis Modernization Program Operations Research Jacobs, Patricia A. View
2015 Design and Analysis of Software-Defined Networks Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2015 Design and Analysis of Software-Defined Networks Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2015 Defense Contract Management Agency (DCMA): Executive Team Development Workshop Center for Executive Education McAnally, Winli View
2015 Defense Against Airborne Swarm Attack Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kaminer, Isaac I. View