
The CAG is the academic home for multi-disciplinary degree & research programs in Cyber Systems and Operations (CSO) working across boundaries to meet challenges in new science and warfare domains.




This collaborative research effort, dubbed Coupled Air-Sea Processes and EM Ducting Research (CASPER) addresses overarching knowledge gaps related to electromagnetic (EM) wave propagation in coastal Marine Atmospheric Boundary Layers (MABL). The objective is to fully characterize the MABL as an EM propagation environment.

Hybrid schemes for exact conditional inference in discrete exponential families

Exact conditional goodness-of-fit tests for discrete exponential family models can be conducted via Monte Carlo estimation of p values by sampling from the conditional distribution of multiway contingency tables. The proposed method runs many parallel chains initialized at SIS samples across the fiber. The scheme alleviates many of the challenges faced by the MCMC and SIS schemes individually while largely retaining their strengths. It also provides diagnostics that guide and lend credibility to the procedure. Simulations demonstrate the viability of the approach.




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null Coupled Air Sea Processes and EM Ducting Research (CASPER)

Coupled Air Sea Processes and EM Ducting Research (CASPER)

The CASPER project aims to better quantify atmospheric effects on the propagation of radar and communication signals in the marine environment. Such effects are associated with vertical gradients of temperature and water vapor in the marine atmospheric surface layer (MASL) and in the capping inversion of the marine atmospheric boundary layer (MABL), as well as the horizontal variations of these vertical gradients. CASPER field measurements emphasized simultaneous characterization of electromagnetic wave (EM) propagation, the propagation environment, and the physical processes that gave rise to the measured refractivity conditions. CASPER modeling efforts utilized state-of-the-art Large Eddy Simulations (LES) with a dynamically coupled MASL and phase-resolved ocean surface waves. CASPER-East was the first of two planned field campaigns, conducted in October/November 2015 offshore of Duck, North Carolina. This article (NPS users only) highlights the scientific motivations and objectives of CASPER and provides an overview of the CASPER-East field campaign. The CASPER-East sampling strategy enabled us to obtain EM propagation loss as well as concurrent environmental refractive conditions along the propagation path. This article highlights the initial results of this sampling strategy showing the range-dependent propagation loss, the atmospheric and upper oceanic variability along the propagation range, and the MASL thermodynamic profiles measured during CASPER-East.


Centers & Institutes

In addition to cyber education, there are numerous research centers and institutes housed within the academic departments. Centers and institutes provide a laboratory environment where faculty and students can conduct research on some of the Navy’s most difficult challenges. Centers and institutes support single and interdisciplinary efforts bringing together the enormous intellectual capital of NPS.




Modeling, Virtual Environments, and Simulation Institute (MOVES)

The MOVES mission is to enhance the operational effectiveness of our joint forces and our allies by providing superior training and exemplary research in the field of modeling and simulation.

Wayne E. Meyer Institute of Systems Engineering

The Meyer Institute provides NPS faculty and students with relevant, tailored, and unique research opportunities in systems engineering and designated warfare areas to support NPS graduate education that increases the combat effectiveness of U.S. and Allied armed forces and enhances the security of the United States.