Welcome - United States Marine Corps
Welcome Aboard!
Below is the check-in process for new students.
Mission Statement
Key Documents to Success
- Student Handbook: Maintained by the Dean of Students to disseminate NPS policy concerning student matters.
- Senior Marine Corps Representative Office (SMO) Addendum: Maintained by the SMO to provide Marine Corps unique guidance.
- PME Opportunities

Contact the SMO
Sponsorship Information
Check-In Procedures
Virtual In-Processing pictorial guide.
**Reporting before the “No Earlier than Date” requires Prior Approval from the Senior Marine Representative Office***
- Step 1: NPS User ID and Password. The Student Services Office will issue you an NPS user ID and password via a Welcome Aboard Letter delivered by email approximately 1 month prior to commencement of classes. NPS User ID and Password are required to access all NPS applications. The email address you designated in your admissions application will be the address used for delivery of the Welcome Aboard Letter. If your email address has changed, you must update it at the following link NPS Online Application Form. If your email address is up to date but you have not received a Welcome Aboard Letter via email 1 month prior to commencement of classes, please contact the Student Services Office.
- Step 2: Complete Virtual In-Processing. Once you receive your user ID and password, you must complete Virtual In-Processing (VIP). VIP can be accomplished by completing the following (Pictorial Guide):
- a. Update/Change Password. First change your 'temp-password'. Then create a 'password profile' to be able to self-unlock your account if it becomes locked by going to Self-Service Password Management
- b. Access your Email. Access your email via NPS Mail365 (Must be accessed once/month to remain active)
- c. Establish Remote Access. To access NPS Applications from off-campus, establish a virtual desktop by using 'Cloudlab HTML Access' via the Technology Remote Access page.
- d. Update Personal/Family Information in PYTHON. Once remote access is established, log-in to PYTHON, click “My Profile,” and update your phone number, address, and your family information. If you do not have a local address, use your current address and update once local residence is established in the Monterey area.
- e. Send Identification Photo. Send an appropriate personal photo in any working uniform to SA@nps.edu. This photo should be a front view from the shoulders up in .jpeg format. The photo will be uploaded into PYTHON and used by faculty and staff as a means of identification.
Step 3 Check-In at Student Services Office. Check-Ins will be conducted virtually. DO NOT COME IN PERSON UNLESS YOU HAVE AN APPOINTMENT. Click HERE once you are in the local area and ready to begin your official check-in process (YOU MUST BE IN THE LOCAL AREA TO CHECK-IN UNLESS TOLD OTHERWISE BY AN NPS STAFF MEMBER) . A member from the Student Services team will contact you to complete your check-in. Please allow three business days for a team member to contact you after your initial check-in. If you have not heard from Student Services after three days, email sa@nps.edu.
- Note: Arrival at NPS outside of the dates published on orders requires exceptional circumstances and should be coordinated in advance with your parent manpower authorities and NPS student services.
- Step 4: Click here to complete the USMC check-in form once you have completed the SA check-in form.
- Step 5: Following the completion of the above step, students must check-in with the Marine Detachment (MARDET) S-1 Office, located on the Presidio of Monterey (POM) in building 625.
- The MARDET will administratively join students RUC/MCC H99, complete the NPS Marine's travel claim, and complete any other administrative requirements.
- The uniform for checking into the MARDET is utilities.
- Motorcycle riders should also bring their information and documentation to be entered into the unit's motorcycle rider database.
- The MARDET S-1 Office is open between 0800 - 1600, M-F
- Check-in after normal working hours:
- Option 1: Check-in at Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). Duty Officer (Quarterdeck) 831-656-2441, or (831-901-6649). Duty officer will endorse your orders with the time and date of check in.
- or, option 2: Check-in at Presidio of Monterey (Defense Language Institute) - (831) 242-6855. The Officer of the Day is located in Building-827. The Officer of the Day will endorse your orders with the time and date of check in.
- Check-in after normal working hours:
- Step 6: Commence "Daily Muster". Once you are onboarded by the student services office, you will be required to muster daily via the Student Check-In Page. Read all announcements and then follow the instructions at the bottom of the page to complete muster.
- Step 7: Complete the Check-in Sheet(s). You will receive two check-in sheets; one from the MARDET upon check-in, and another from the Student Services Office via email.
- Step 8: Attend New Student Orientation. This will be held virtually beginning on the date indicated on the events calendar on the Student Check-In Page. A link will be featured on the muster page once available. This is mandatory for all incoming students to view all recordings and power points. The presentations are intended to introduce new students to information, policies, and resources relevant to their stay and study at NPS. This must be completed by all incoming students by the end of the first week of classes.
- A USMC specific orientation will be organized via the Senior Marine Office and will be posted via Sakai.
Research Topic Submission Portal
- Unclassified / CUI Topic Portal
- For Classified Topic Submission: Contact the SMO.
Check-Out Procedures
To check out with the MARDET, print their checkout sheet found here:
Complete and return in person to the MARDET S-1.
The Marine Detachment (MARDET) S-1 Office, located on the Presidio of Monterey (POM) in building 625.
Complete the SMO check out form here: