Research Summaries

Back Standardized Protocol for Tailoring IWE Watch Sections for Optimized Human Performance

Fiscal Year 2023
Division Research & Sponsored Programs
Department Naval Research Program
Investigator(s) Shattuck, Nita L.
Lawrence-Sidebottom, Darian
Sponsor NPS Naval Research Program (Navy)
Summary Circadian rhythms regulate an individual's biological processes to optimize functioning and performance in a manner that aligns with the 24-hour day. Shift workers are required to adopt schedules that are at odds with their circadian rhythms. Thus, shiftwork is associated with chronic and acute sleep loss, fragmented sleep, and elevated levels of fatigue. The USN adopted policies, issued in 2017 (revised in 2020), directing all surface force ships to implement circadian-based watchbills and shipboard routines that promote better sleep patterns. Based largely on findings from studies conducted by the NPS Crew Endurance Team (Shattuck & Matsangas, 2018), these policies aimed to reduce conditions known to contribute to impairments in health and performance. While the revised policy focuses primarily on surface ships, it is likely to benefit Information Warfare (IW) watchfloors and other operational contexts. However, the USN lacks a comprehensive fatigue management policy tailored to shore-based facilities. The goal of this project is to improve the sleep patterns, and associated predicted performance and well-being, of personnel in IW watchfloors. This goal will be addressed in 3 aims: 1) Document watchbills currently used on a representative IW watchfloor, 2) identify vulnerabilities in personnel work/rest schedules, and 3) provide fatigue mitigation recommendations tailored to maximize watchstanders readiness on IW watchfloors. This project will assess personnel sleep and well-being on a representative IW watchfloor using wearable devices and questionnaires. Vulnerabilities in work/rest schedules will be identified by modeling the predicted effectiveness associated with personnel sleep patterns. After study findings are synthesized, the research team will develop recommendations for the implementation of circadian-based watchbills on shore facilities. All study findings and recommendations will be communicated in a final report, brief, and poster presentation.
Keywords sleep study, circadian rhythm, watch standing, IW, defensive cyber operations, offensive cyber operations, watch floor, network operations, network support
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal