Summaries - Office of Research & Innovation
Research Summaries
Back Cognitive Command and Control Capabilities for Agent Based Model (ABM) Enabled Data Farming for Planning Tests in Joint Mission Environments
Fiscal Year | 2009 |
Division | Graduate School of Operational & Information Sciences |
Department | Operations Research |
Investigator(s) |
Sanchez, Susan M.
Lucas, Thomas W. |
Sponsor | Naval Air Systems Command (Navy) |
Summary | There is a need to conduct testing in a complex joint mission environment across the acquisition life cycle to improve a program manager's ability to deliver joint capabilities to warfighters. For a joint mission environment with many interdependent systems, Assessing individual system and sY5tcm-of-systems (SoS) contributions to joint mission effectiveness becomes extremely challenging. A change in on system may have cascading effects across the mission environment and. furthermore. many of these systems may be at different points in development and acquisition. This complex adaptive SoS environment makes it nearly impossible to plan decent tests using current test methods and capabilities. Cogent planning for the tests of these complex adaptive systems involves a very tedious. Almost impossible. test planning process for determining what and how exactly to test. To do this efficiently. new test and evaluation (T&E) tools. methods. and processes are needed. The NPS SEED Center proposes to build on previous work to: (I) decline the technical characteristics required for agent-based models to be used for exploring C2 structures and the associated cognitive and social processes of the human components of the C2 structures in a joint mission environment; (2) develop a C2-enabled ABM to capture C2 structures and their associated human cognitive and social processes and use them along with developing technologies to test what-if questions in a variety of SoS environments and scenarios; and (3) develop an interface to facilitate rapid construction of these C2-enabled ABMs. |
Keywords | Joint Test & Evaluation Network Enabled Systems of Systems |
Publications | Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal |
Data | Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal |