Summaries - Office of Research & Innovation
Research Summaries
Back Operational Vignettes for ASW Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV)
Fiscal Year | 2017 |
Division | Research & Sponsored Programs |
Department | Naval Research Program |
Investigator(s) | Gallup, Shelley P. |
Sponsor | NPS Naval Research Program (Navy) |
Summary | The ASW Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) prototype has been built by DARPA and is currently undergoing testing of its autonomous capability at Pt Loma, California. ACTUV represents a large step in the evolution of autonomous capabilities. It is significantly larger than other unmanned systems (130 feet), and is intended to be fully autonomous. With its wave-piercing bow and hull form (trimaran) it can sustain speeds enabling it to match operational needs, whether sprint or loitering and be at sea for up to 90 days. As a prototype, ACTUV was envisioned to bring capability to major warfare areas in addition to ASW (SUW, EW, MIW) and support many individual mission tasks. This project is intended to develop the operational vignettes in which ACTUV may be tasked to perform these mission areas, for simulation and field testing. It is intended to be a concurrent effort with other ACTUV projects at NPS, and provide input to the ONR testing program for ACTUV. |
Keywords | Cyber Security Darknet Network Security |
Publications | Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal |
Data | Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal |