Research Summaries

Back Regional Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea – Colloquium Seminar #3 MASL P379178

Fiscal Year 2019
Division School of International Graduate Studies
Department Center for Civil-Military Relations
Investigator(s) Hussey, Benjamin T.
Sponsor Naval Education Training Security Assistance Field Activity (Navy)
Summary This Mobile Education Team (MET) course is funded through Peacekeeping Operations funds (PKO funds) as programmed via the Naval Education Training Security Assistance Field Activity (NETSAFA). CCMR MASL for “Regional Maritime Security in the Gulf of Guinea” is P379178.
The Center for Civil-Military Relations (CCMR) in coordination with the Bureau of African Affairs, US Department of State, will conduct an academic colloquium consisting of three sequential workshops offered over the course of a year, designed to assist Gulf of Guinea nations advance the Yaoundé Declaration’s Code of Conduct and promote regional maritime security in the Gulf of Guinea. The first colloquium took place in March 2018, the second colloquium took place in August 2018, and the third colloquium is to be held 5-7 March 2019.
Participants from 11 countries will participate in Colloquium #3. Specifically, Seminar #3 aims to assist Gulf of Guinea nations further the development of a National Maritime Security Strategy. Progress on the strategies was made both during Seminars #1 and #2, and through inter-sessional engagements with the teaching team from the first two seminars.
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Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal