Research Summaries

Back Change Detection of Marine Environments Using Machine Learning

Fiscal Year 2019
Division Research & Sponsored Programs
Department NPS Naval Research Program
Investigator(s) Orescanin, Mara S.M.
Sponsor NPS Naval Research Program (Navy)
Summary Aerial imagery, collected either by UAV or small aircraft, provides high-resolution monitoring of coastal marine areas. This data can be used to identify and classify specific marine environments and visual changes in water quality, with the goal of creating a neural net that can then be used for assessment of marine environment changes. Specifically, local California coastal areas will be used as proof-of-concept to identify regions including 1) kelp forests, 2) sandy bottom habitats, 3) reef/rocky bottom habitats, and 4) human/anthropogenic influences. Uses for this approach will be applied to remote marine areas including Pacific National Monuments and missile test ranges with the intent of providing efficient management practices for these difficult-to-patrol areas. This project will collaborate with USCG UAV operations and existing patrolling efforts in these areas in order to obtain sufficient aerial imagery.

Specifically, this project will compile a nearshore coastal waters database to expand upon a database currently under construction for sub-aerial coastal zones (beach, marsh, tidal flat, etc.) that is used for change detection of the coast. This project will also include adding IR images of similar coastal classes to enhance the database. This database will provide the required input data to train a deep learning neural network in image feature recognition. The second part of this project will be to create large-scale mapped areas of coastal assets to provide a baseline status check for vulnerable and high-impact areas. After an extreme event, the same area will be surveyed to assess impact using coastal change detection through the convolutional neural network tested on the generated database. The end goal is establishing a method to identify high-risk coastal sites based on fundamental change in environment (such as beach breaching, damage to buildings). Deliverables include a final report and two student theses.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal