Research Summaries

Back Establish and Maintain Software Engineering Test Lab (SETL)

Fiscal Year 2012
Division Graduate School of Operational & Information Sciences
Department Computer Science
Investigator(s) Luqi
Sponsor Joint Information Operations Warfare Center (Joint)
Summary Maintenance of a Lab for the purpose of stress testing real DoD systems with an emphasis on a holistic approach. The systems will be made available through a separate Internet Service Provider (ISP) than NPS to enable the testing of different access configurations and to allow for outside entities to red term the systems. This lab will be used to evaluate multiple different DoD systems over the years. Four full time NPS students will work in the lab over the next four years.
Naval Postgraduates School will install systems selected by JIOC in the SETL. NPS will install test hardware/software and operational experimentation. NPS will maintain systems. NPS will evaluate systems capabilities and usability in different deployment paradigms. NPS will also evaluate security and safety vulnerabilities. NPS will provide a lab space, lab manager and network connectivity using DREN and assist JIOWC in identifying vulnerabilities and recommend mitigation strategies for systems.
The funding for the proposal will come in increments. The first year will be funded at the $60K level, with operational additional years to follow.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal