Research Summaries

Back Navy Additive Manufacturing Afloat Capability Analysis

Fiscal Year 2020
Division Research & Sponsored Programs
Department NPS Naval Research Program
Investigator(s) Sadagic, Amela
Van Bossuyt, Douglas
Sponsor NPS Naval Research Program (Navy)
Summary Several years ago, DON began installing AM capabilities aboard Surface Vessels, and an increased AM deployment to the fleet is planned over the next years. This research aims to aid decision makers in understanding how to best deploy AM resources to the Surface Fleet.

The objectives of this research are:
1) Determine what AM equipment may be best to serve the needs of the Surface Fleet.
2) Identify the order in which Surface units should receive AM capabilities.
3) Identify an advantageous dispersion plan of AM capabilities across the Surface Fleet to maximize the benefits.

To accomplish the objectives, we will identify existing DON AM equipment, and forecast potential near-term future AM acquisitions. AM systems will be analyzed for capabilities including but not limited to: material options, build volume, operating environment requirements, printed part certification and quality. We will work together with Naval institutions to identify classes of potential parts that can be manufactured using particular AM technology; parts will be analyzed for material requirements, size/volume, quality/certification, rate of use, etc. We will also identify logistics and support requirements for AM equipment; examples may include feedstock type and feedstock shelf life, spare parts, supportability, maintainability, etc.

Project work will include conducting the simulations of groups of Surface Vessels to identify how AM equipment can be most effectively deployed to the Fleet. We will conduct sensitivity analyses to attempt to understand what areas may need further data refinement to make informed AM deployment decisions.
This research will aim to produce student theses, and capstone projects. Our deliverables will include quarterly IPRs, final project briefs, and a research summary.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal