Research Summaries

Back Analytical Template for Assessing Insurgent IO Effectiveness

Fiscal Year 2011
Division School of International Graduate Studies
Department National Security Affairs
Investigator(s) Johnson, Thomas H.
Sponsor U.S. Central Command (Joint)
Summary CCS will develop an analytical framework and operational template for US military analysts at CENTCOM to help catalog, track, and predict how well Taliban propaganda resonates among the indigenous population; what elements make the Taliban's delivery systems successful; and which elements are weak links in the Taliban's media strategy. Understanding the rhetoric and stances of insurgent groups in Afghanistan is a key component of the ongoing conflict in Afghanistan; but tracking the change and development of enemy rhetoric and properly contextualizing what these changes mean will bridge the gap between tactical and strategic foresight. Understanding selective pressures, such as competition of information and belief systems, might be the key drivers to how information is received by Afghan citizens.
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Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal