Research Summaries

Back Development of a Real Time Signal-to-Noise Ratio Estimation Systems (SNORES)

Fiscal Year 2012
Division Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department Oceanography
Investigator(s) Joseph, John E.
Chiu, Ching-Sang
Sponsor Office of Naval Research (Navy)
Summary The primary objective of the concept being set forth in this white paper is to build and test a real time SNR estimation system that supports persistent surveillance system consisting of mobile sensors operating in a shelf-break environment. We envision the output of the system will be 3D fields of SNR estimates that can be used, as a cost function in an optimizing or genetic algorithm to provide guidance to mission planners and operators in making adaptive search and sampling decisions and fed to a surveillance system to optimize system performance.
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Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal