Research Summaries

Back Mission Scenario Generation and Characterization to Support Acquisition Decisions for Long Range Precision Fires-Maritime (LRPF-M)

Fiscal Year 2019
Division Research & Sponsored Programs
Department NPS Naval Research Program
Investigator(s) Giammarco, Kristin M.
Sponsor NPS Naval Research Program (Navy)
Summary Monterey Phoenix (MP) is a Navy-developed formal language and approach for modeling systems, software, hardware, people, organizational, and/or environmental behaviors and their interactions with one another. MP can be used to describe high-level operational processes, other business processes or architecture designs, and can support behavior descriptions down to a detailed design level. It is different from other behavior modeling approaches in that it uses lightweight formal methods to generate a scope-complete set of scenario variants from system behaviors and interactions within and among independently specified systems. Scope-complete means the set of automatically generated scenarios is exhaustive up to a user-defined number of loop iterations (the scope limit), which usually between 1 and 3. This degree of completeness, even for small scopes, results in an entirely new way to conduct Verification and Validation (V&V) of human, system and software behavior models, with very productive results so far.

MP will be applied in this project to help NSWCDD and MCSC understand, analyze, manage, and refine complex system design and requirements needed for DoD acquisitions. We will use MP to generate a scope-complete set of mission scenarios for LRPF-M that is far more comprehensive than any other approach used. Scenarios will include both nominal and off-nominal alternative flows and include interactions between system and environment. We will apply probabilities, durations / start / end times, and costs to MP events to compute whole scenario probabilities and costs, and document our approach for reuse of the methodology. Finally, we will experiment with exporting to a format suitable for importing MP event traces into the Innoslate MBSE tool for traceability to requirements.

Deliverables include MP models of the LRPF-M system; a technical report detailing the reusable methodology and results of the experiments; and a poster for NRP research review.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal