Research Summaries

Back Navy Basic Military Training (BMT) MMOWGLI Support and Execution

Fiscal Year 2016
Division Research & Sponsored Programs
Department Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simulation Institute
Investigator(s) MacKinnon, Douglas J.
Sponsor Naval Service Training Command (Navy)
Summary The Naval Postgraduate School plans to conduct, using the MMOWGLI collaborative game platform, a future-oriented game around the broad topic of Navy Basic Military Training (BMT). The MMOWGLI game will be designed and executed so that a diverse group of players, drawn from the Navy as a whole, can validate current curriculum content and contribute their ideas toward helping Recruit Training Command (RTC) to ensure that relevant learning is provided to Sailors of the future.
The intent of the MMOWGLI game is two-fold: (1) validate/discuss current curriculum content per NETC guidelines (Human Performance Requirements Review process), and (2) war game and conceptualize how Recruit Training Command can meet future mission requirements or challenges of 2025 while producing smartly disciplined, physically fit, basically trained Sailors ready for duty in the Fleet.
The BMT MMOWGLI game will be played for a span of up to three weeks.
Though the game is intended to be open to all Navy (Officer and Enlisted), a targeted group is the Enlisted Board of Advisors, a group of senior Fleet and Force Master Chief Petty Officers that, along with Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, represent the Enlisted community and advise leadership (i.e. an Executive Steering Committee) on the appropriate curriculum and structure delivered at Recruit Training Command.
Conduct of this game supports NPS and MMOWGLI leadership's overarching goal of transitioning MMOWGLI to a sustainable open source business model.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal