Research Summaries

Back Low Frequency Shallow Water Modeling of Acoustic Intensity Field

Fiscal Year 2014
Division Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department Physics
Investigator(s) Smith, Kevin B.
Sponsor Naval Undersea Warfare Center-Newport Division (Navy)
Summary The phenomena associated with low-frequency acoustic propagation in shallow water or shelf break regions is best modeled using well-established, range-dependent normal mode models. Numerous such models for predicting the acoustic pressure field exist in the research community. The adaptation of such models for computing the acoustic particle velocity field was first described by Smith (JCA, 2008), who subsequently implemented the associated expressions in a version of the Couple97 normal mode code originally developed by Evans (JASA, 1983).
In this effort, the previous normal mode model with the acoustic particle velocity calculations will be upgraded and designed to provide predictions for the operational area of interest. In addition, the model output (pressure and velocity) will be combined to produce range-dependent predictions of complex intensity over frequency bandwidths of interest. The results will be presented in a manner consistent with experimental data for ease in model-data comparisons.
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Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal