Research Summaries

Back CORE Lab SNA & Social Media Fusion Curriculum Training 2 SOCOM OGP

Fiscal Year 2017
Division Graduate School of Operational & Information Sciences
Department Defense Analysis
Investigator(s) Everton, Sean F.
Sponsor U.S. Special Operations Command (Joint)
Summary This proposal provides funding to conduct one NPS CORE Lab session at USSOOM during a one 5 day outreach educational trainings in country for approximately 20 students. The training session will provide SOCOM participants an understanding of basic Social Network Analysis (SNA) theory and techniques and to provide hands-on experience using real world social media data and applying SNA methodology using specialized software. The NPS instructors will gain value from feedback from the SOCOM participants, conducting real world operations and bring that new knowledge back to NPS.
This curriculum has two basic objectives. The first objective is for USSOCOM participants to develop an understanding of basic SNA theory and techniques. The second is to provide hands-on experience using real world social media data and applying SNA methodology using specialized software. Social media data is increasingly gaining attention within intelligence, defense, and law enforcement agencies as a potential source of timely and easily-accessible information from on-the-ground sources. This training provides hands-on experience using a series of labs and practical exercises on the software package Gephi to provide a method for managing and making sense of the social media ""big data"" problem. It is highly encouraged for students to bring with them a real-world problem or data set they are currently working so that they may apply this process to a context they know well.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal