Research Summaries

Back A Systems Approach to Modeling Emerging Russian Threats and Opportunities Over the Next 15 Years

Fiscal Year 2015
Division Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department Systems Engineering
Investigator(s) Whitcomb, Clifford A.
Sponsor Joint Chiefs of Staff (Joint)
Summary This project is part of a Strategic Multi-Layer Assessment (SMA) for the US European Command (EUCOM) entitled A Systems Approach to Modeling Emerging Russian Threats and Opportunities Over the next 15 Years. In general, SMA provide planning support to Commands for complex operational imperatives requiring multi-agency, multi-disciplinary solutions that are not currently within core Service/Agency competencies. The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) SE PI proposes to be a partner in this SMA to provide a systems approach to studying the dynamics of the issues involved to overcome the limitations of current conceptualizations. Among the key issues of mutual concern are US-Russia economic trade barriers and imbalances, food security, agricultural policies, water management, climate change and carbon-based fuel alternatives, scarcity of resources (from soil nutrients to mineral so for manufacturing), freedom / denial of access and intrusion issues (EEZ, cyberspace, et al), military challenges and opportunities, high technology and academic exchanges, human rights, national demographics and their impacts on economies, human migration, Third World development, and others. Failing to recognize the systemic nature of the issues surrounding the drivers of conflict and convergence and their interconnectedness, and bifurcating “Economic” and “Strategic/Security” topics, robs the USG of an advantage, since Russia almost certainly views all of these issues within the context of a unified “strategy.
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Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal