Research Summaries

Back Study on Effects of Thermal Cycles on Microstructural and Macrostructual Properties of HY80 Steel

Fiscal Year 2015
Division Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
Investigator(s) Didoszak, Jarema M.
Kwon, Young W.
Menon, Sarath K.
Brewer, Luke N.
Sponsor Naval Surface Warfare Center-Carderock Division (Navy)
Summary Flight decks will be subjected to repeated aircraft landing cycles and depending on the aircraft the thermal loads and the exposure time that the deck is subjected to varies significantly. For a complete understanding of the effects of thermal and mechanical loading on these flight decks, modeling studies together with simulation studies on sub-size grillages are already being carried at NSWC CD and thermal cyclic testing for 250, 500, 750 and 1000 cycles are being carried out at NAVFAC EXWC. This proposal is aimed at providing support for characterization of test samples from the grillage samples exposed at the nozzle facility at JESF, NAVFAC EXWC. The main focus of this study will be to systematically gather and provide the critical variations in materials properties and microstructure as a function of increasing number of cyclic exposures to thermal loading of HY80 steel grillages.
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Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal