Research Summaries

Back The Performance of Hispanics in the Military: A Look Across Services and Into the Civilian Labor Market

Fiscal Year 2014
Division Research & Sponsored Programs
Department Naval Research Program
Investigator(s) Tick, Simona L.
Sponsor NPS Naval Research Program (Navy)
Summary To better understand the factors that shaped the current representation of Hispanics in the higher ranks of the Navy officers corps, and to identify effective interventions for increased long term retention of a diverse body of officers. This study will address the flowing questions:
1. How does the retention and promotion rates of Hispanic officers compare with that of Non-Hispanic officers within each military service, and across all services?
2. What factors are more likely to explain any differences in retention and promotion rates of Hispanic officers compared with that of Non-Hispanic officers within each military service, and across all services?
3. What are the main studies, approaches and findings in the existing literature on the labor market performance of Hispanics in the civilian labor market?
4. What are the data sources that track the civilian market performance of college educated Hispanics, the group that is most comparable with that of Hispanic officers? Further, what are the comparative advantages and disadvantages of each data set in allowing the Navy to conduct a quantitative analysis of the labor market performance of civilian Hispanic college educated compared to the performance of Hispanic officers in the Navy?
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal