Research Summaries

Back NPS Beam Physics Laboratory Directed Energy Fundamental Research

Fiscal Year 2012
Division Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department Physics
Investigator(s) Swent, Richard L.
Sponsor Office of Naval Research (Navy)
Summary Characterize the performance and operational characteristics of quarterwave superconducting electron guns; explore novel cathodes technologies relevant to the development of the ONR FEL INP; and perform other experimental, theoretical and simulation-based accelerator physics machine studies relevant to the generation and transport of high-quality, high-intensity electron beams.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal