Research Summaries

Back Quantum Chemistry Simulations of the Nucleation and Disproportionation of Organoaluminum for Energetic Materials

Fiscal Year 2015
Division Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department Physics
Investigator(s) Hooper, Joseph P.
Sponsor Office of Naval Research (Navy)
Summary Organoaluminum clusters synthesized from monovalent aluminum halide precursors may offer a means of creating high energy-density solids comprised of metal clusters surrounded by a mono layer of organic ligand. A key challenge in the experimental synthesis of these materials is an understanding of why so few ligands allow metastable clusters to grow and crystallize during disproportionation. Here we propose that reduced orbital interactions between aluminum lone pairs in monovalent Al/ligand complexes may provide an initial way to screen ligands that favor cluster nucleation and growth reactions. Building on initial simulations that suggest weaker Al-Al interaction correlates with successful cluster formation, we propose a range of quantum chemistry simulations to explore the bonding and orbital interactions in these systems and provide understanding that may improve experimental synthesis efforts.
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