Research Summaries

Back Coastal Meteorology Analysis and Prediction

Fiscal Year 2021
Division Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department Meteorology
Investigator(s) Nuss, Wendell A.
Sponsor Office of Naval Research (Navy)
Summary Successful Naval operations in the littoral depend upon accurate assessments of environmental conditions and how they will evolve. The coastal regions are typically characterized by small-scale meteorological features, which can evolve quickly and impact numerous types of operations. Forecasting these conditions requires a thorough understanding of these phenomena. To make this information more widely accessible, a textbook covering the dynamics and forecasting coastal weather will be written. From broad applicability by Navy forecasters, examples of these weather events need to come from around the world. Observations, imagery, and high-resolution global model simulations are used to compare similar coastal weather events in Asia and North America to further our understanding of their dynamics and processes for inclusion in the textbook.
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Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal