Research Summaries

Back Measurement and Analysis of Phenomenology and Statistics of Sound Propagation Over Sand Dunes on Upper Slope of the Northeastern South China Sea

Fiscal Year 2012
Division Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science
Department Oceanography
Investigator(s) Chiu, Ching-Sang
Sponsor Office of Naval Research (Navy)
Summary The proposed research for FY12-14 has two focuses: The first is to continue and complete the synthesize of the acoustic results from three transmission experiments, ASIAEX, WISE and NLIWI, all carried out in the vicinity of the Northeastern South China Sea (NE SCS) shelfbreak, to form a knowledge base on the dependence of the signal fluctuations on the locale, orientation, range and type and strength of nonlinear internal waves. The second, in collaboration with Taiwan scientists, is to jointly plan and execute a pilot field study consisting of systematic, concurrent acoustic propagation, bottom/sub-bottom profiling, and oceanographic measurements to study the effects of the large sand dunes, and the combined effects of the sand dunes and nonlinear internal waves, on sound transmissions over the upper slope of the NESCS.
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Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal