Research Summaries

Back Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping and Peace Support Operations

Fiscal Year 2014
Division Graduate School of Business & Public Policy
Department Graduate School of Business & Public Policy
Investigator(s) Karimova, Tahmina T.
Sponsor U.S. Southern Command (Joint)
Summary This program provides an in depth discussion of issues surrounding protection of civilians, providing participants with approaches and transferable skills to address inclusion, participation, and safety issues, and to design feasible action plans.
This is the 0 phase (planning) of a possible three-phase sequence that involves workshop development and execution at CECOPAC facilities in June of 2014, relying on NPS expertise. This iteration is targeted to develop an agreed upon program of instruction based upon a preliminary execution scheduled for June 9-13, 2014 at CECOPAC. This program of instruction will address developing political will among leadership, knowledge in curriculum developers and skillsets among trainers in order to become a regional education leader in Protection of Civilians.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal