Research Summaries

Back WAD Optimization Support

Fiscal Year 2009
Division Graduate School of Operational & Information Sciences
Department Operations Research
Investigator(s) Ewing, Jr., Paul L.
Sponsor Office of the U.S. Army Deputy Chief of Staff, G8 (Army)
Summary The investigator will provide study and support of analytical tools to assist the Chief of the Army 0-8 Force Development Directorate's Warfighting Analysis Division (DAPR-FDA) in the fulfillment of the division's mission. The proposed study focuses on: (1) Support to DAPR-FDA development of optimization models that examine how to distribute equipment inside the budget years in order to maximize equipment readiness across the force. (2) Support DAPR-FDA development of optimization models which aid the analysis of alternative EE PEO POM investment strategies to satisfy multiple objectives, e.g., funding the development and procurement of capabilities in terms of enhancing the Army's proficiency, sufficiency, and expectancy. (3) Provide support for student's experience tours, which will enable NPS to continue to refine existing optimization models once developed by the NPS OR faculty and DAPR-FDA staff. (4) Provide continued reach-back support for the Analysis Division staff so they become an integral player in the continued development of the models and resulting analysis once prototype model development ends.
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal