Research Summaries

Back Effectiveness of AI-enhanced Autonomous Systems augmented with Intermediate Force Capabilities

Fiscal Year 2023
Division Research & Sponsored Programs
Department Naval Research Program
Investigator(s) Runde, Sharon M.
Sponsor NPS Naval Research Program (Navy)
Summary Use modeling and simulation (M&S) to conduct exploration and experimentation aimed at quantifying (with performance metrics) non-lethal weapon intermediate force capabilities (NLW/IFC) effectiveness when integrated onto autonomous platforms conducting campaigning operations. Modeling output includes prediction of NLW/IFC weapon system effectiveness when employed at long ranges, with increased effects dwell time, and increased volume of fire from unmanned autonomous/semi-autonomous systems (UxS) enhanced with artificial intelligence (AI) and/or machine learning auto targeting and fire control algorithms. M&S will address and support current and emerging Navy/USMC problem sets, operational scenarios, and concepts such as Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations and Stand-In Forces. By using predictive M&S tools, researchers can devise notional AI-enhanced NLW/IFC autonomous UxS across all domains and predict military outcomes via known cause-effect responses and adjustment in human behavior given exposure to NLW/IFC. These predictions should also include proposing new NLW/IFC CONOPS and TTPs. The objective includes exploration and discovery of critical performance attributes of future NLW/IFC technology. This information will inform current and future Science and Technology roadmaps. The modeled combination of technologies matched with specific problem sets, operational scenarios, and concepts can also support future concept development and wargaming activities.
Keywords Modeling and simulation, experimentation, AI/ML algorithms, future concept development
Publications Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal
Data Publications, theses (not shown) and data repositories will be added to the portal record when information is available in FAIRS and brought back to the portal