Research Summaries
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2014 Protection of Civilians in Peacekeeping and Peace Support Operations Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Karimova, Tahmina T. View
2014 Protection of Civilians Course - Jordan Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Karimova, Tahmina T. View
2015 Protection of Civilians Course - Jordan Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Karimova, Tahmina T. View
2013 Protection of Civilians Course U.S. Partnership for Peace Howard, Alan R. View
2014 Protection of Civilians - Paraguay Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Hocevar, Susan P. View
2007 Protection Profile and Hardware Security Support Computer Science Irvine, Cynthia E. View
2010 Protecting Mobile Defense Networks from Adversary Influence Computer Science Rowe, Neil C. View
2021 Prospects for Deterrence, Escalation, Coercion, and War in the Indo-Pacific NPS Naval Research Program Russell, James A. View
2022 Prospects for Deterrence, Escalation, Coercion and War in the Indo-Pacific Naval Research Program Russell, James A. View
2010 Propulsion Turbo-Machinery Monitoring Requirements and Specifications Systems Engineering Millar, Richard C. View
2015 Proposed FY14 Continuation of Implementation of an Alternative Watchstanding Schedule on USN Surface Combatants Operations Research Shattuck, Nita L. View
2014 Proposed FY14 Continuation of Implementation of an Alternative Watchstanding Schedule on USN Surface Combatants Operations Research Shattuck, Nita L. View
2020 Proposal for a 30 meter tall atomic fountain-(ONR Version) Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2019 Proposal for a 30 meter tall atomic fountain Physics Narducci, Francesco A. View
2020 Propellantless Orbital Maneuver for Small Spacecraft Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2018 Propagation of High Energy Lasers for Various Wavelengths, Power Levels, and Atmospheric Conditions Physics Blau, Joseph A. View
2018 Propagation Channel Assessment and Prediction (PCAP): A Global Refractivity Information Database (GRID) for Electronic Warfare Prediction Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2015 Propagating Uncertainty in Hierarchical Combat Models Naval Research Program Lucas, Thomas W. View
2021 Proof-of-concept integration of the Replenishment At Sea Planner (RASP) into Minerva Advanced Multi-Echelon Planning Tool (AMPT) Operations Research Carlyle, William M. View
2014 Promoting Maritime Security Through the Collection and Visualization of Crowd-Sourced Data Information Sciences Dush, Robert E. View
2019 Promoting Innovation Program Center for Executive Education McAnally, Winli View
2018 Promise or Peril? Nuclear Phase Out and International Security Defense Analysis Volpe, Tristan A. View
2007 Proliferation Pathways and Supplier Networks: Implications for Interdiction and Counterproliferation National Security Affairs Russell, James A. View
2008 Proliferation Pathways and Supplier Networks National Security Affairs Russell, James A. View
2010 Proliferation Dynamics in Southeast Asia: The Implications of Great Power Rivalry National Security Affairs Malley, Michael S. View
2022 Proliferated LEO Architecture Enabling Beyond Line-of-Sight Fires (pLEO BLOS Fires) Naval Research Program Lan, Wenschel D. View
2011 Projects on Nuclear Issues National Security Affairs Leavitt, Sandra R. View
2011 Project on Nuclear Issues: Social Media Technologies National Security Affairs Clunan, Anne L. View
2011 Project on Nuclear Issues: Nuclear Forensics, Subtask II National Security Affairs Clunan, Anne L. View
2012 Project on Nuclear Issues National Security Affairs Clunan, Anne L. View