Research Summaries
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2009 Defense Analysis Insurgency and Manhunting Projects (U) Defense Analysis McCormick, Gordon H. View
2015 Defense Against Airborne Swarm Attack Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kaminer, Isaac I. View
2019 Defending Undersea Infrastructure and the SEA29 Systems Engineering Analysis research projects Systems Engineering Kline, Jeffery E. View
2016 Defending Interdependent Infrastructure Networks Operations Research Salmeron-Medrano, Javier View
2011 Defending Independent Infrastructure Systems Operations Research Wood, R. Kevin View
2015 Defending Independent Infrastructure Systems Operations Research Salmeron-Medrano, Javier View
2008 Defeating Disguised IEDs by Using Knowledge of the Environment National Security Institute Guest, Peter S. View
2015 Deepening U.S. Partnerships in the Indian Ocean Region Naval Research Program Malley, Michael S. View
2010 Deep Seaweb Surveillance Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2012 Deep Seaweb Hydro-Acoustic Modem Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2013 Deep Seaweb Acoustic Communications and Underwater Networking Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2013 Deep Seaweb Acoustic Communications and Underwater Networking Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2019 Deep Learning for Detecting Anomalous Activity Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2021 Deep Learning Uncertainties of GOES Advanced Baseline Imager Products Ingested by GeoIPS for Assimilation into Navy Global Models Computer Science Orescanin, Marko View
2013 Deep FY13-FY14 RDTE Computer Science Garfinkel, Simson L. View
2013 Deep FY13 OM Computer Science Young, Joel D. View
2021 Deep Analytics for Readiness Impacts of Underfunding Spares Backlogs NPS Naval Research Program Zhao, Ying View
2019 Deep Analytics for MarineNet with Personalized Learning - Using the Pilot Data (Continuation) NPS Naval Research Program Kendall, Walter A. View
2018 Deep Analytics for Content Management System (CMS) Naval Research Program Zhao, Ying View
2020 Decoupling the Engine from the Engine Room NPS Naval Research Program Didoszak, Jarema M. View
2020 Decision Theoretic and Algorithmic Foundations for Autonomy in Adversarial Environments Operations Research Bassett, Robert L. View
2010 Decision Superiority in Cyberspace Cebrowski Institute Yu, Warren View
2013 Decision Space Development Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Darken, Christian J. View
2023 Decision Science in the Navy Budget Naval Research Program Koyak, Robert A. View
2023 Decision Science in the Navy Budget Naval Research Program Tick, Simona L. View
2007 Decision Making Constructs for a Distributed Environment Information Sciences Bordetsky, Alexander B. View
2023 Data-Driven Enlisted Retention Decision Making Naval Research Program Koyak, Robert A. View
2011 Data, Analysis, and Implementation of HUMINT in the Cultural Geography Model Defense Analysis Gregg, Heather S. View
2013 Data Visualization Tool (DAVITO) Enhancements Supporting the Southern Philippine Public Perception Survey (SPPPS) Exploration and Analysis Project Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Darken, Rudolph P. View
2012 Data Visualization Tool Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Buss, Arnold H. View