Research Summaries
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2012 CHDS-NPS Homeland Defense and Security Leadership Development (FCLP-1202) National Security Affairs Lewis, Theodore G. View
2012 Transnational Organized Crime (TOC) and Trafficking in Person (TIP) Workshop National Security Affairs Lewis, Theodore G. View
2011 DHS/FEMA Protection and National Preparedness (PNP) National Security Affairs Lewis, Theodore G. View
2012 CHDS at NPS Tuition Payment (FBI) National Security Affairs Lewis, Theodore G. View
2011 DHS/FEMA Protection and National Preparedness (PNP) National Security Affairs Lewis, Theodore G. View
2011 Resource Allocation Deterrence Modeling National Security Affairs Lewis, Theodore G. View
2021 Commercial Batteries for Navy Use NPS Naval Research Program Lewis, Ira A. View
2021 Commercial Batteries for Navy Use Naval Research Program Lewis, Ira A. View
2008 Superconducting Accelerator and Beamline Transport System for the NPS-FEL: Experimental Studies of Free-Electron Lasers in Naval Environments Physics Lewellen, John W. View
2009 MW-Class Free Electron Laser Injector Technology Validation Physics Lewellen, John W. View
2010 Advanced Superconducting RF Cavity Study, Beam Halo Analysis, Photothermal Cathode Study (INP) Physics Lewellen, John W. View
2011 NPS Beam Physics Laboratory Directed Energy (FEL) Basic Experimental Research Program Physics Lewellen, John W. View
2011 Investigation of Longitudinal Space Charge Physics Lewellen, John W. View
2011 MW-Class FEL Injector Technology Validation Physics Lewellen, John W. View
2010 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program Support Operations Research Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2010 Total Life Cycle Working Group Modeling and Simulation and ADCI Operations Research Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2009 Counter Narcotics Program Support National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2009 JIEDDO Technical Gaming Team Initiative Support National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2009 Graduate Research Studies Program (Phase I) National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2009 Naval Postgraduate School Support to Joint IED Defeat Test Board (JTB) National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2009 NPS Academic Support to Joint IED Defeat Organization National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2009 PSOM Support to III Corps National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2018 Tabletop Exercise For Crisis Response Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View
2015 Graduate Level Study of Unconventional Warfare (UW) Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View
2015 Mapping Civil Society to Identify Influencers Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View
2016 Advanced Modeling and Predictive Analytics for SOCCENT Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View
2016 Remote Advise and Assist Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View
2019 Counter-Revisionist Risk Assessment Capacity Building Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View
2017 Graduate Level Study of Unconventional Warfare Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View
2016 Remote Advise and Assist/Virtual Accompany Kit Defense Analysis Lee, Doowan View