Research Summaries
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2012 RFC/HWDDC Environmental Data Collection at Wallops Island Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2010 Meteorological Support for a Passive Imaging System Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2012 ACAF: Electromagnetic Ducting Climatology Enhancements Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2011 Evaluation of JSAF EM Propagation Prediction Methods for NCTE/Fleet Synthetic Training Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2011 Improved Environment Characterization for AREPS EM Performance Predictions Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2019 Implementing NAVSLaM with the NRL Digital Optical Channel Program (DOC-P) Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2017 Improved Characterization of the Environment for EM/EO Performance Predictions Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2013 Improved Radar Modeling and Environmental Integration for Accurate Electromagnetic Assessments Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2014 Advanced Climate Analysis and Forecasting Electromagnetic Quality Control Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2007 Development of Reconfigurable Computing Applications Applied Mathematics Fredricksen, Harold M. View
2009 Building and Sustaining International Security Relationships Through Wiki-Based Social Networking and Instant Interactive Applications Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2018 Global Education Collaboration Community Online Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2015 CTFP Global Education and Collaboration Community Online (Global ECCO) Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2015 Global Education and Collaboration Community Online (Global ECCO) Website and Related Projects for CTFP Alumni Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2012 Counter Terrorism Fellowship Program Education and Collaboration Community Online Information Technology Support Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2010 Wiki-Based Social Networking for Combating Terrorism Professionals Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2011 Education and Collaboration Community Online (ECCO) Website for CTFP Alumni Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2013 Global Education and Collaboration Community Online (Global ECCO) Website and Related Projects for CTFP Alumni Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2012 CTFP Global ECCO Program Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2020 EXBS - Border Security Wargame Development ("Border Wars") Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2020 Global ECCO FY20 Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2020 Counter-Insurgency Strategy for Border Security Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2016 Global Education Collaboration Community Online Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2021 Global ECCO FY 2021 Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2020 Regional Defense Warfare Game 2020-2021 Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2020 CTIWFP Evaluation Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2021 CTIWFP Evaluation Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2021 Regional Defense Warfare Game 2021-2022 Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2019 CTIWFP Irregular Warfare Exercise Defense Analysis Freeman, Michael E. View
2007 Development of Reconfigurable Computing Applications Applied Mathematics Frenzen, Christopher L. View