Research Summaries
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2009 Counter Directed Energy Weapons (CDEW) Research Dean of Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2010 Study of Counter Directed Energy Weapons (C-DEW) Dean of Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2015 Off-Axis Detection, Geo-Location, Assessment and Mitigation of High Energy Laser Weapon Attack Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2014 Naval Postgraduate School Counter Directed Energy Weapons Research Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2014 Stochastic Analysis and Control of Compressible Flow with General Levy Noise Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2014 Stochastic Analysis and Control of Moving and Rotating Aerodynamic Bodies Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2011 Stochastic Analysis and Control of Multiple Moving and Rotating Aerodynamic Bodies Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2011 NPS Program on Counter Directed Energy Weapon (CDEW) Research Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2012 Counter Directed Energy Weapons Program at Naval Postgraduate School Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2012 Laser Parameter Extraction, Data Comparison and Bistatic Detector Enabled Counter Measures for Direct Energy Weapons Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2013 Travel to Georgia Institute of Technology Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2013 Counter Directed Energy Weapons (CDEW) Program at Naval Postgraduate School Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2013 Stochastic Analysis and Control Multiple Moving and Rotating Aerodynamic Bodies with Application to Autonomous Unmanned Systems and Helicopters Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2013 NPS Support to IARPA Matches Program Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2013 Radiobots: Autonomous Cognitive Radios for Jammer Resistant SATCOM and SIGINT Center for Decision, Risk, Controls & Signals Intelligence Sritharan, Sivaguru S. View
2012 Autonomous Ocean Flux and Wave Buoys for Use in the ONR Marginal Ice Zone DURIP Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2011 Relationship Between Morphology and Hydrodynamics Below Arctic Sea Ice in the Vicinity of a Pressure Ridge Keel Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2013 Concurrent Atmosphere and Ocean Boundary Layer Observations from Remote Ice-Deployed Buoys Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2014 Coupling of Waves, Turbulence and Thermodynamics Across the Marginal Ice Zone Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2010 The Role of Pycnocline Turbulent Fluxes in the Evolution of Weddell Sea Water Column Stability Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2010 Collaborative Research: Benthic Exchange Events and Near Boundary Mixing on the Continental Shelf Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2009 An Array of Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoys to Directly Observe Turbulent Vertical Fluxes of Heat, Salt and Momentum as a Component of the Arctic Observatory Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2015 Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoy Observations for ICEX2016 Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2014 Coupling of Waves, Turbulence and Thermodynamics Across the Marginal Ice Zone Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2017 Long Term Observations of Inertial Waves and Turbulent Diffusivity in the Upper Pycnocline of the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 Collaborative Research: ISPOL-1 Turbulent Flux Project Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 Boundary Layer Processes in the Surf Zone and Inner Shelf in CROSSTEX and MISO Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 A Planning Proposal for Observations of Microtidal Morphodynamics in Muddy Environments in the Tidal Flats Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 Analysis and Modeling of Ocean Velocity Measurements Below Wind-Forced Waves Observed During CBLAST-Low Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 Collaborative Research: the Maud Rise Nonlinear Equation of State Study (MaudNESS) Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View