Research Summaries
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2021 Opportunities for Influence in Central Asia Defense Analysis Robinson, Glenn E. View
2019 Li-Fi Communications on Navy Ship Networks Information Sciences Robinson, Stephanie View
2012 Wave Powered Unmanned Surface Vehicle Operation in the Open Ocean Physics Rochholz, Timothy View
2011 NPS Joint Battlespace Awareness Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Integration Capability Knowledge Management and Experimentation Project Information Sciences Roeting, William H. View
2010 Purple Rain Information Sciences Roeting, William H. View
2012 Purple Rain Information Sciences Roeting, William H. View
2012 Purple Rain Information Sciences Roeting, William H. View
2013 AC Working Group Information Sciences Roeting, William H. View
2013 Networking in Permissive and Contested Environments Information Sciences Roeting, William H. View
2014 Analyst Capability Working Group (ACWG) Support Information Sciences Roeting, William H. View
2018 A Distributed Platform for High-Speed Active Network Topology Discovery Computer Science Rohrer, Justin P. View
2020 Enhancing Yarrp Performance, Multipath Discovery, and Topology Data Analysis Computer Science Rohrer, Justin P. View
2017 Under Water Masked Carrier Acoustic Communications Naval Research Program Rohrer, Justin P. View
2021 Geolocating network topology, Enhancing Yarrp Performance, and Topology Data Analysis Computer Science Rohrer, Justin P. View
2019 Cloud-Based High-Speed IPv6 Internet Topology Discovery Computer Science Rohrer, Justin P. View
2015 Effective C2 Comms to the Tactical Edge in Challenged, Disrupted, and Denied Environments Naval Research Program Rohrer, Justin P. View
2021 Strategies for Large-Scale Active IPv6 Mapping Measurement (SLAMM) Computer Science Rohrer, Justin P. View
2015 Analysis, Simulation and Lab Experimentation of Guidance and Control of a Spacecraft with Robotic Manipulators for Physical Interaction with a Resident Space Object Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2015 Dynamics, Guidance, and Control of Multiple, Physically Interacting, Unmanned Vehicles: Analysis and Experimentation Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2015 Guidance/Navigation/Control for Spacecraft Autonomous Proximity Maneuvers Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2015 Guidance/Navigation/Control for Spacecraft Autonomous-Proximity Maneuvers Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2019 Hardware-in-the-loop Laboratory Testbed for Optimal Spacecraft Maneuvering with Physical Emulation of Orbital Dynamics Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2019 Preliminary work regarding Educational Development for NC3 Spacecraft Defense Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2017 Analysis/Simulation/Lab Experimentation of the Dynamics/Control of Spacecraft with Robotic Manipulators for physical interaction with Resident Space Object Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2017 Dynamic Reachability Analysis and Guidance/Control Algorithms for Autonomous, Safe Proximity Maneuvering and Final Approach to a Tumbling Object Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2007 Analysis and Lab Experiments of Robust GNC Methods for a Cluster of Interacting Spacecraft for On-Orbit Assembly and Reconfiguration Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2020 Analytical Modeling, Guidance and Control for Advanced Autonomous Orbital Robotics Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2007 Analysis and Ground Experiment of a Cluster of Interacting Spacecraft for Autonomous In-Orbit Assembly and Reconfiguration Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2007 Tinyscope: Preliminary Investigation on Very Small Three Axis Stabilized Spacecraft for Earth Applications from LEO Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View
2018 Dynamics and Control of Propellantless Spacecraft Maneuvering Exploiting Residual Atmospheric Drag and Lift in either a Differential or Absolute Mode Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Romano, Marcello View