Research Summaries
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2007 Master of Science in Electronic Systems Engineering (Electronic Warfare) Degree Program Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2007 Master of Science in Contract Management Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Owen, Walter E. View
2007 Contract and Program Management Distance Learning Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Owen, Walter E. View
2009 MSSE Distance Learning Program Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2007 SEM PD-21 Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2009 SEM PD-21 Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2008 Systems Engineering Management (SEM) PD-21 Distance Learning Account Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2008 Master of Science in Systems Engineering (MSSE) Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2010 SEM PD-21 Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2009 MSSE DL Program Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2010 SEM PD-21 Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2009 Systems Engineering Management-Product Development (SEM PD-21) Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2018 System of Systems Engineering & Integration short course not for graduate credit Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2017 Design of a Periscope LPI Radar, Secure Communication and EW Multifunction System Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2007 N433 Threat Missile Simulator Validation Working Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2009 Cueing Receiver for Faster EA - Response Management Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2010 N433 Threat Missile Simulator Validation Working Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2008 Naval Information Operations Command (NIOC) Suitland FY08 Research and Development Support Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2010 Submarine Future EW Roadmap Working Group 2010 Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2008 Technologies for Information Operations Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2008 Cueing Receiver for Faster EA - Response Management Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2009 Navy Surface Anti-Ship Cruise Missile Threat Simulator Validation Working Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2007 Integration, Test and Evaluation of the DIS-512 with the KOR Electronics DRFM Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2008 N433 Threat Missile Simulator Validation Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2007 Autonomous Detection and Classification Schemes to Correctly Identify LPI Waveforms Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2011 Increasing the Dynamic Range of HTS RF Squid ADC Using Robust Symmetrical Number System (RSNS) Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2016 Cognitive, Multi-Function Periscope Sensor with LPI Radar, Comms, and EW Applications Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2013 Electronic Warfare Investigation to Support Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program Block III and Air Operations Electronic Warfare Test and Evaluation Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2013 Signal Processing Algorithms for Surface Electronic Warfare Improvement Program Block 3 and Evaluation Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2015 Characterizing Unknown Received Signal Modulation Parameters Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View