Research Summaries
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2017 Modeling the Impact of OTTER and its Benefits to the Fleet Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2018 Naval Postgraduate School, CA Support to NATO School Oberammergau National Security Affairs Howard, Alan R. View
2013 International Maritime Border Security and Terrorism Defense Analysis Howard, Alan R. View
2016 Energy Efficient Outpost Modeling Consortium: Pillar 3 Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2016 Energy Outreach Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2016 Energy Workforce Management Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2016 Georgia Energy Security Symposium Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2016 Moldova Critical Network & Energy Security Education Program Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2016 Naval Enterprise Partnership Teaming with Universities for National Excellence (NEPTUNE) Project Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2016 Navy Energy Course Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2021 Microgrid Sizing Operations Calculator Incorporating Fossil Fuel Generation and Load Management Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2010 USPTC FY10 Multi-Lateral Outreach Support Under the US-Sweden Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Global Public Policy Academic Group Howard, Alan R. View
2010 USPTC and GPPAG FY10 Preparatory Work in Support for the Global Challenges Forum Global Public Policy Academic Group Howard, Alan R. View
2018 Bulk Fuel Delivery in Support of Expeditionary Advance Base Operations Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2015 Alternative Fuel Usage Practices Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2015 CVN Speed of Advance Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2015 Eliminate Plan of Intended Movement (PIM) Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2011 Transformative Education Forum Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2011 NPS/IDS Operations Research and Systems Analysis Workshop Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2011 Addressing Theater-Level Analysis Concerns Through a Systems Engineering Methodology: Strategic Assessment Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2021 Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA Support to NATO School Oberammergau Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2019 Optimized Transit Tool & Easy Reference (OTTER) Improved Data Analysis NPS Naval Research Program Howard, Alan R. View
2020 Fuels Data Analysis Energy Academic Group (EAG) Howard, Alan R. View
2011 GPOI Peacekeeping Operations Training Central Asia Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2011 Transformative Education Forum Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2012 Strategic Culture Presentation to Inter-American Defense College Class 51 U.S. Partnership for Peace Howard, Alan R. View
2012 Foundations on Cyber Security U.S. Partnership for Peace Howard, Alan R. View
2012 Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program Support U.S. Partnership for Peace Howard, Alan R. View
2012 Humanitarian Mine Action Project U.S. Partnership for Peace Howard, Alan R. View
2012 Study and Analysis of EUCOM Area of Responsibility (AOR) "Disaster Preparedness Milestones and Key Actors" U.S. Partnership for Peace Howard, Alan R. View