Research Summaries
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2010 Chair of Acquisition Management and Acquisition Research Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Snider, Keith F. View
2010 Chair of Acquisition and Acquisition Research Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Snider, Keith F. View
2010 Chair of Innovation Support Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Ford, David N. View
2010 Chair of Warfare Innovation for Sea Trial Experimentation, Analysis, and Research Initiatives Operations Research Otte, Douglas View
2010 Challenges in Technology Transition Cebrowski Institute Denning, Peter J. View
2010 Characterization and Classification of Marine Mammal Vocalizations Oceanography Collins, Curtis A. View
2010 Climate Diagnostics and Prediction Workshop Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2010 Closed-Loop Compressor Development and Testing Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Hobson, Garth V. View
2010 Collaborative Architecture Simulation Environments for Modeling and Simulation, Software Engineering and Information Assurance Management Information Sciences Pfeiffer, Karl D. View
2010 Collaborative Initiative for Layered Sensing Project Operations Research Chung, Timothy H. View
2010 Collaborative Research II: A Field Guide to the Science of Computation Cebrowski Institute Denning, Peter J. View
2010 Collaborative Research: Arctic Extreme Temperature and Precipitation - Detection and Projection of Their Climatic Change and Physical Causes Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2010 Collaborative Research: Benthic Exchange Events and Near Boundary Mixing on the Continental Shelf Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2010 Collaborative Research: Does Coupling Between the Inner Shelf and Surf Zone Regulate Larval Supply to Intertidal Populations? Oceanography MacMahan, James H. View
2010 Collaborative Research: Fingering Convection at Low Prandtl Number Oceanography Radko, Timour View
2010 Collaborative Research: Observations and Predictions of Sand Grain Size Variability and Morphodynamics on Beaches Oceanography MacMahan, James H. View
2010 Collaborative Systems Research Information Sciences Osmundson, John S. View
2010 Collateral Damage Methodology Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2010 Command and Control Technology Integration for a Common Tactical Picture by the Salinas, California Police Department Information Sciences Gallup, Shelley P. View
2010 Command and Control Training System Research and Development Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2010 Common Operational Research Environment (CORE) Lab Program FY09 Defense Analysis Roberts, Nancy C. View
2010 Competency Education Package for Aircraft Structures Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kolar, Ramesh View
2010 Computational Mathematics for Storm Surge Modeling Applied Mathematics Giraldo, Francis X. View
2010 Computer Algorithms and Architectures for Space Applications Electrical & Computer Engineering Loomis, Jr., Herschel H. View
2010 Configurable Fault-Tolerant Architectures for Reliable Space-Based Computing (CFTP) Electrical & Computer Engineering Loomis, Jr., Herschel H. View
2010 Cost Management Certificate Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Ford, David N. View
2010 Cost of Attrition Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Enns, John H. View
2010 Countering the IED Threat National Security Institute Lucas, Thomas W. View
2010 Course Delivery - Analysis of Defense Economics and Defense Budgets Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Brook, Douglas A. View
2010 Course Development - Analysis of Defense Economics and Defense Budgets Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Brook, Douglas A. View