Research Summaries
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2008 Preparing for Transition: Strategic Considerations for BTA as DOD Prepares for a Change in Administration Graduate School of Business & Public Policy King, Cynthia L. View
2008 Project Gusty Oriole, Computer Algorithm and Architectures for Space Applications Space Systems Academic Group Loomis, Jr., Herschel H. View
2008 Proliferation Pathways and Supplier Networks National Security Affairs Russell, James A. View
2008 Provide Delta Support for STTC-RDECOM Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute McDowell, Perry L. View
2008 Providing Analytical Support to Air Force Quadrennial Defense Review Operations Research Nussbaum, Daniel A. View
2008 Quantifying, Predicting and Exploiting Uncertainty Research Initiative Management Oceanography Chiu, Ching-Sang View
2008 Radiation Tolerant ASIC and VLSI Devices for Space-Based Systems, Design, Modeling and Fabrication Electrical & Computer Engineering Michael, Sherif N. View
2008 Random Sampling and Small Block Forensics Innovation Computer Science Garfinkel, Simson L. View
2008 Real-Time Service Oriented Architecture for M&S Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Darken, Rudolph P. View
2008 Red Team Maritime IED National Security Institute Chu, Peter C. View
2008 Reduced Crew Size Metrology Using Wireless LANs and Wearable PCs Electrical & Computer Engineering Yun, Xiaoping View
2008 Reducing the Barriers-To-Research Into the Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE): Phase 1, Qualifying the Co-Deposition Experiments Meyer Institute Melich, Michael E. View
2008 Reducing the Barriers-To-Research Into the Fleischmann-Pons Effect (FPE): Phase 2, Produce, Test and Characterize the System for a Peer Reviewed, Publishable Instrumentation Paper Meyer Institute Melich, Michael E. View
2008 Regional Briefing on the Horn of Africa National Security Affairs Piombo, Jessica R. View
2008 Regional Security Education Program National Security Affairs Johnson, Thomas H. View
2008 Remote Automates Position Id System (RAPIDS) Information Sciences Ehlert, James F. View
2008 Remote Sensing Research and Support to OSD Physics Olsen, Richard C. View
2008 Remote Sensing Research in Support of OSD Physics Olsen, Richard C. View
2008 Representing Urban Cultural Geography Operations Research Sanchez, Susan M. View
2008 Requirements and Assessments, Operations Research, and Network Modeling Operations Research Jacobs, Patricia A. View
2008 Research Supporting the ONR FEL INP Physics Colson, William B. View
2008 Research, Analytical Tools, and Training Support for DOT&E Operations Research Jacobs, Patricia A. View
2008 Resourcing Submarine Operations in the Pacific Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Doyle, Richard B. View
2008 Rip Current Dynamics in a Complex Beach Environment Oceanography MacMahan, James H. View
2008 SMART Scholarship Program Support Science, Mathematics & Research for Transformation Millsaps, Jr., Knox T. View
2008 SMART Scholarship Program Support Science, Mathematics & Research for Transformation Millsaps, Jr., Knox T. View
2008 SOA Baseline Architecture Assessment Information Sciences Maule, Randy W. View
2008 SSA Data Management and Data Model Support National Security Affairs Johnson, Thomas H. View
2008 SSA Data Management and Data Model Support National Security Affairs Johnson, Thomas H. View
2008 Satellite Analysis Graduate Studies Support Meteorology Durkee, Philip A. View