Research Summaries
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2007 NPS Support to SPAWARSYSCEN for USNS Comfort Summer 2007 Humanitarian Outreach Mission Cebrowski Institute Steckler, Brian D. View
2007 NPS Undersea Warfare Program Meyer Institute Shoup, F. View
2007 NPS Undersea Warfare Research Program Meyer Institute Shoup, F. View
2007 NPS/CIRPAS Support of DOE's CLASIC Experiment Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2007 NPS/CIRPAS Support of Office of Naval Research Airborne Research Objectives Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2007 NPS/CIRPAS Support of Office of Naval Research Airborne Research Objectives Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2007 NPS/CIRPAS Support of the GoMACCS Experiment Center for Interdisciplinary Remotely-Piloted Aircraft Studies Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2007 NPS/TDSI Masters Program Operations Research Hoivik, Thomas View
2007 NRT: National Radio Networking Research Testbed (NRNRT) Electrical & Computer Engineering Adler, Richard W. View
2007 NSA/ATD Cryptologic Research Lab and Thesis Research Support Electrical & Computer Engineering Robertson, Ralph C. View
2007 NSW Seaweb (AKA Seaweb Technology for Naval Special Warfare) Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2007 National Counterterrorism Center National Security Affairs Lewis, Theodore G. View
2007 National Security Personnel System Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Brook, Douglas A. View
2007 Naval Intelligence Business Education Course (NIBEC) Center for Executive Education Franklin, Ronald E. View
2007 Naval Post Graduate School Support to OPNAV N6F Information Sciences Gallup, Shelley P. View
2007 Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) Undersea Warfare (USW) Curriculum Development Dean of Graduate School of Engineering & Applied Science Brutzman, Donald P. View
2007 Naval Postgraduate School NPSAT1 Satellite Support Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2007 Naval Postgraduate School Support to OPNAV N71 Information Sciences Gallup, Shelley P. View
2007 Naval Representation in GIG M&S COI Focus Group Meetings Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Blais, Curtis L. View
2007 Naval Sea Systems Command, Theses and Curriculum Support Physics Luscombe, James H. View
2007 Naval Sea Systems Command, Theses and Curriculum Support Physics Luscombe, James H. View
2007 Navy Executive Business Course (EBC) Executive Learning Officer Quast, Harry S. View
2007 Navy Manpower, Personnel, Training and Education Research Program Graduate School of Business & Public Policy Beck, Robert N. View
2007 Navy Ship Design Meyer Institute Papoulias, Fotis A. View
2007 Navy Ship Design Meyer Institute Papoulias, Fotis A. View
2007 Navy TENCAP Program Space Systems Academic Group Ross, Isaac M. View
2007 Navy's Executive Business Course Executive Learning Officer Quast, Harry S. View
2007 Near Earth RF Propagation Meteorology Durkee, Philip A. View
2007 Netcentric Certification Office Cebrowski Institute Gunderson, Christopher R. View
2007 Netcentric Certification Office Cebrowski Institute Gunderson, Christopher R. View