Research Summaries
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2015 NPS Naval Research Program (Management Account) - FY15/16 Research & Sponsored Programs Office Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2019 In-stride Optimal Motion Planning/re-planning for MCM Missions using Optimization NPS Naval Research Program Kaminer, Isaac I. View
2022 Tactical ISR/C2 Integration with AI/ML Augmentation Naval Research Program Maule, Randy W. View
2008 CST Exercise Support 2008 Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2008 Undersea Warfare Extendible Markup Language (USW-XML) Working Group for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Community of Interest (COI) Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Brutzman, Donald P. View
2009 Base-IT Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Sadagic, Amela View
2010 Undersea Warfare Extendible Markup Language (USW-XML) Working Group for Anti-Submarine Warfare (ASW) Community of Interest (COI) Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Brutzman, Donald P. View
2012 NAVSEA Counter Narco-Terrorism Program Office Field Test Support National Security Institute Jaeger, Alan W. View
2014 Developing a Paradigm for High Energy Density Capacitive Energy Storage Naval Research Program Phillips, Jonathan View
2015 NPS Naval Research Program (Management Account) - FY16 Research & Sponsored Programs Office Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2019 Assessing the Implications of Changes in Russia’s Strategic Posture NPS Naval Research Program Tsypkin, Mikhail View
2022 Common Message Sets Across Data Links Naval Research Program Wood, Brian P. View
2008 Cyber Attack Detection and Response Research and Exercise Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 Mission Rehearsal and Post Mission Replay Support for the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC) Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Brutzman, Donald P. View
2010 Developing Expert Performance on Complex Cognitive Tasks Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Sullivan, Joseph A. View
2010 Finding the Sweet Spot: Bridging S1000D, X3D, and SCORM for Embedded Performance Assessment Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Brutzman, Donald P. View
2012 LMC Disaster Management Workshop APRI #24 National Security Institute Jaeger, Alan W. View
2014 Plant Utilization at Marine Corps Logistics Command (MCLC) Naval Research Program Salmeron-Medrano, Javier View
2015 Application of Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) to Compare Legacy and Future Systems in Mine Warfare (MIW) Missions Naval Research Program Paulo, Eugene P. View
2019 Implications of Russian Strategic Changes on China NPS Naval Research Program Glosny, Michael A. View
2022 Cost-Benefit Analysis of F/A-18E/F and EA-18G Simulators Naval Research Program Hermis, Judith M. View
2008 Vietnam Search and Rescue Information Exchange and Exercise Support Center for Asymmetric Warfare Banks, David D. View
2009 M&S ISO the New Strategy Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Buss, Arnold H. View
2010 Training Simulation for Complex Cognitive Tasks Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Sullivan, Joseph A. View
2010 Massive Multiplayer Online War Game Leveraging the Internet (MMOWGLI) Project Execution Modeling, Virtual Environments & Simuation Institute Brutzman, Donald P. View
2012 AEA and Joint Electronic Attack and Compatibility Office Program National Security Institute Jaeger, Alan W. View
2014 Women in the Navy: What Is the Correct Staffing Level to Maximize Retention? Naval Research Program Shatnawi, Dina View
2015 Applying a Model-Based Systems Engineering Methodology to Improve Expeditionary and Operational Reach for Marine Corps Forces Naval Research Program Paulo, Eugene P. View
2019 Russian Federation A2AD posture NPS Naval Research Program Abenheim, Donald View
2022 Advancing the Application of Design of Experiments (DOE) to Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model (STORM) Data Naval Research Program Sanchez, Susan M. View