Research Summaries
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2007 ONR Ocean Acoustics Project Management Oceanography Chiu, Ching-Sang View
2009 Quantifying the Effects of Vortical Hot Towers and Vortex Rossby Waves on Tropical Cyclone Intensification Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2010 Long Range Forecasting Support Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2010 LCS Class Ship Shock Modeling and Simulation Using DYSMAS Code Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Didoszak, Jarema M. View
2011 Evaluation of an Oxygen-Alcohol Thruster Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Brophy, Christopher M. View
2013 Aircraft Survivability Education and Research Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Adams, Christopher A. View
2013 Automated Program Analysis for Cyber Security Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2014 Mobile EMS Prototype for Field Studies-Modeling and Testing Electrical & Computer Engineering Oriti, Giovanna M. View
2014 Feasibility Study of Just in Time Magnetic Silencing Systems Engineering Shebalin, Paul V. View
2016 Failure Analysis of Steel Armor on Tactical Wheeled Vehicles Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Luhrs, Claudia C. View
2017 Behavioral Set Based Design Using Monterey Phoenix Systems Engineering Giammarco, Kristin M. View
2020 DL Course Instruction of 299 - Applied Trajectory Optimization Certificate Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2020 MC3 Network: Radio Study II Space Systems Academic Group Minelli, Giovanni View
2007 Information Mechanics Physics Luscombe, James H. View
2008 Generation and Propagation of the Internal Tide and High-Frequency Nonlinear Internal Waves Near the Luzon Strait, South China Sea Oceanography Chiu, Ching-Sang View
2007 Collaborative Research: Dynamic and Thermodynamic Control of Tropical Intensity in Sheared Environments Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2009 METOC Metrics for Antisubmarine Warfare Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2008 Accuracy Model Improvement Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Driels, Morris R. View
2011 Bio Fuel Characterization Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Brophy, Christopher M. View
2012 Maritime Beam Control Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Agrawal, Jr., Brij N. View
2014 VET Control Teams Electrical & Computer Engineering McEachen, II, John C. View
2015 Characterizing Unknown Received Signal Modulation Parameters Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2015 Forward Deployed Energy and Communications Outpost (FDECO) System Architecture and Analytical Modeling Systems Engineering Vaneman, Warren K. View
2016 Field-based Residual Stress Measurements and Cold Spray Deposition for Corrosion Repair Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Menon, Sarath K. View
2017 Revision and Update of Sea Mines and Countermeasures: Bibliography Undersea Warfare Academic Group Larraza, Andres View
2019 Study of Fundamental Limits of CNT Composites for Enhanced Space Applications Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Luhrs, Claudia C. View
2020 MZA PROPS for Optical Turbulence Measurements Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2020 Nuclear Education Program CubeSat Support Space Systems Academic Group Newman, James H. View
2007 Railgun Technology Physics Maier, William B. View
2007 ONR Ocean Acoustics Project Management Oceanography Chiu, Ching-Sang View