Research Summaries
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2010 Technology Review and Update (TRAU) Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2012 FY12 Next Generation Integrated Power Systems "Swamp Works" Work Plan Systems Engineering Papoulias, Fotis A. View
2011 Body of Knowledge and Curriculum to Advance Systems Engineering Systems Engineering Olwell, Jr., David H. View
2011 Relationship Between Morphology and Hydrodynamics Below Arctic Sea Ice in the Vicinity of a Pressure Ridge Keel Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2014 Environmental Characterization for Electro-Optical Performance Surfaces Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2018 Measurements and Modeling of Scattering from Rock Outcrops Oceanography Olson, Derek R. View
2018 SE Distance Learning (232, 242, 282, 311, 312, 581, 711, 721, 722) Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2019 CMIS2 FY19 Research Support Electrical & Computer Engineering Scrofani, James W. View
2020 States of Light for Quantum Sensing-(Theory) Electrical & Computer Engineering Mimih, Jihane View
2007 High Power RF and Microwave Modeling and Design Electrical & Computer Engineering Morgan, Michael A. View
2011 MSSSO Program Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2011 Generating a Systems Architecture Addressing the Capabilities, Requirements, and TTPS for the Transformable Craft Systems Engineering Paulo, Eugene P. View
2013 Analysis of Advanced Battery Technology for USMC Expeditionary Tactical Information Systems Systems Engineering Osswald, Sebastian View
2013 Concurrent Atmosphere and Ocean Boundary Layer Observations from Remote Ice-Deployed Buoys Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2015 Improved Environmental Models for Electro-Optical Performance Predictions Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2018 Acoustic Sensing and Tracking Utilizing Acoustic Vector Sensors Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2020 Common Mode Modeling and Mitigation Techniques in Power Converter Building Blocks for Shipboard Power Electrical & Computer Engineering Oriti, Giovanna M. View
2007 N433 Threat Missile Simulator Validation Working Group Electrical & Computer Engineering Pace, Phillip E. View
2011 Technology Review and Update for Technical Personnel - (TRAU) 2011 Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2011 Quantitative Capabilities-Based Assessment for Naval Combatant Ship Design Through Modeling and Simulation Systems Engineering Paulo, Eugene P. View
2012 MSSE-DL Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2014 Coupling of Waves, Turbulence and Thermodynamics Across the Marginal Ice Zone Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2014 NAVSLaM and RSMA Enhancements for Improved EM/EO Performance Predictions Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2018 Theses Research and Curriculum Support for the Combat Systems Science and Engineering Curriculum Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2020 NSA Education Program (ECE Portion) - Winter/Spring/Summer Quarters FY2020 Electrical & Computer Engineering Robertson, Ralph C. View
2007 Information Warfare Workshop Electrical & Computer Engineering Painter, Rita View
2011 Naval Space Systems Engineering and Acquisition Chair Space Systems Academic Group Scott, Alan D. View
2012 Linking Naval Architecture, Operational Requirements, and Operational Effectiveness Through Simulation and Design of Experiments Systems Engineering Paulo, Eugene P. View
2012 MSSE Program Systems Engineering Owen, Walter E. View
2010 The Role of Pycnocline Turbulent Fluxes in the Evolution of Weddell Sea Water Column Stability Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View