Research Summaries
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2009 Adaption and Testing of Automated Media Exploitation Tools National Security Institute Garfinkel, Simson L. View
2010 NPS Academic Support to Joint IED Defeat Organization National Security Institute Kimzey, Charles H. View
2008 Using Enduring Employment Programs to Combat IED Networks National Security Institute Gregg, Heather S. View
2010 Maritime Information Sharing Taskforce (MIST) National Security Institute Kline, Jeffery E. View
2009 Transformational C2 Services for Understanding the Impact of Globalization on Stability and Security National Security Institute Hazard, Thomas R. View
2009 Countering the IED Threat: Experimentation and Assessment of Strategies, Systems, and Employment Options Through Simulation National Security Institute Lucas, Thomas W. View
2009 Continuing of Trial Implementation: Performance Accounting and Tools to Support the Budgeting Allocation Process for Signal Intelligence Collection Systems National Security Institute Housel, Thomas J. View
2009 Generating a Systems Architecture Addressing the Capabilities, Requirements, and TTPS for the Transformable Craft National Security Institute Paulo, Eugene P. View
2009 Reimbursable Detail of Milton Nenneman National Security Institute Housel, Thomas J. View
2008 Achieving Interoperability in Homeland Security Communications and Operations: A "Model County" Field Test National Security Institute Housel, Thomas J. View
2009 Command Wire Sensor National Security Institute Jenn, David C. View
2008 Developing IED Counter-Narratives National Security Institute Johnson, Thomas H. View
2009 Sequential Pattern Detection and Time Series Model for Predicting IED Attacks (Phase 1) National Security Institute Kamel, Magdi N. View
2009 Maritime Information Sharing Taskforce (MIST) FY09 Year-End Supplement Funding Proposal National Security Institute Kline, Jeffery E. View
2009 Improving Crew Threat Awareness by Augmented Spherical Indirect Vision National Security Institute Kolsch, Mathias N. View
2010 Golden Phoenix Training and Exercise Program National Security Institute Boger, Dan C. View
2009 Counter Narcotics Program Support National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2011 Field Information Support Tool Support to California Homeland Security Consortium National Security Institute Everton, Sean F. View
2009 JIEDDO Technical Gaming Team Initiative Support National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2011 Independently Powered Command, Control and Communications (C3) for Monterey County First Responders National Security Institute Kimzey, Charles H. View
2009 Graduate Research Studies Program (Phase I) National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2010 Countering the IED Threat National Security Institute Lucas, Thomas W. View
2009 Naval Postgraduate School Support to Joint IED Defeat Test Board (JTB) National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2010 Improving the Integrated Training Center Model for Usability to Enable Accurate Time to Train Modeling National Security Institute Lucas, Thomas W. View
2009 NPS Academic Support to Joint IED Defeat Organization National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2010 Multi-Source Intelligence Data Integration and Assimilation National Security Institute Olsen, Richard C. View
2009 PSOM Support to III Corps National Security Institute Lesnowicz, Jr., Edward J. View
2010 Generating a Systems Architecture Addressing the Capabilities, Requirements, and TTPS for the Transformable Craft (T-Craft) National Security Institute Paulo, Eugene P. View
2009 Extension to Game-Theoretic Models for Jamming RCIEDS and Red Teaming National Security Institute Lin, Kyle Y. View
2009 Simulation and Analysis Support of the Total Life Cycle Management Working Group's Study Requirements National Security Institute Lucas, Thomas W. View