Research Summaries
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2007 Collaborative Research: Studies of the Influence of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current on the Atlantic Meridional Circulation Oceanography Radko, Timour View
2010 Toward a Predicative Model of Arctic Coastal Retreat in a Warming Climate, Beaufort Sea, Alaska Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2009 Observation of Upper Ocean Temperature, Salinity and pH Structure in the Central Arctic Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2007 Collaborative Research: Benthic Layer Geochemistry and Physics at the Kilo Nalu Observatory Oceanography Stanton, Timothy P. View
2021 NPS/SIO Ocean Acoustic Transceivers for the Task Force Ocean DRI Field Work Oceanography Colosi, John A. View
2020 High-Latitude Application and Testing of Earth System Models - Phase II Oceanography Maslowski, Wieslaw View
2018 ICEX2018: NPS Acoustics Oceanography Reeder, Davis B. View
2018 South China Sea environmental effects on acoustic propagation physics Oceanography Reeder, Davis B. View
2017 Using the Enterprise Engine (EE) for Building Integrated Fires (IF) Naval Research Program Boger, Dan C. View
2023 Advancing Pathways to Net Zero for the Operational Navy Naval Research Program Fletcher, Kristen View
2017 Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) Optical Signaling in Anti-Access Environments Naval Research Program Brutzman, Donald P. View
2023 Design Thinking Integrated into Model-Based Systems Engineering of Operational Architectures Naval Research Program Giachetti, Ronald E. View
2014 International Navies' Policies for Women Naval Research Program Aten, Kathryn J. View
2017 X3D Model Data Strategy for Navy Additive Manufacturing Digital Thread Naval Research Program Brutzman, Donald P. View
2023 Panama Canal Criticality and Security Naval Research Program Kline, Jeffery E. View
2015 Life-Work Balance in the Context of the Navy Naval Research Program Aten, Kathryn J. View
2017 Estimating the Depth of the Recruiting Market Naval Research Program Buttrey, Samuel E. View
2023 Employment CONOPS for Hybrid (Crewed and Highly Autonomous) Light Destroyer and MUSV Flotilla in Second and First Island Chain Operations Naval Research Program Gallup, Shelley P. View
2015 Creating Unclassified SE Asia Maritime Domain Awareness Naval Research Program Boger, Dan C. View
2017 Synoptic Monthly Gridded and Ocean Modeled Data to Assess Submarine Vulnerability Naval Research Program Chu, Peter C. View
2023 Develop/Define the Systemic Changes Necessary to Implement Cyber Requirements Throughout a Programs Lifecycle Naval Research Program Garza, Victor R. View
2015 Data Science and Analytics for Leveraging METOC Data Naval Research Program Das, Arijit View
2017 Transfer and Correlation Functions between Underwater Hydrographical and Optical Parameters Naval Research Program Chu, Peter C. View
2023 Naval Logistic Network for GPC and Operation in Contested Environment (Continuation) Naval Research Program Ferrer, Geraldo L. View
2014 Developing the Synthetic Theater Operations Research Model's (STORM's) Analytic Utility Naval Research Program Lucas, Thomas W. View
2017 AquaQuad -Hybrid Mobil Vehicle for Persistent Surface and Underwater Reconnaissance Naval Research Program Dobrokhodov, Vladimir N. View
2023 Cyber-Physical Control Attacks of LEO Constellations Naval Research Program Karpenko, Mark View
2015 BYOD Strategies to Support ELearning Naval Research Program Shing, Man Tak View
2017 Predictive Push Logistic using Runtime monitoring of Hidden and Visible Data Naval Research Program Drusinsky, Doron View
2023 Wargaming Logistic Force Agility in a Contested Environment Naval Research Program Burks, Robert View