Research Summaries
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2015 License Royalties Research & Sponsored Programs Office Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2014 Surface Current Mapping Network Based on High Frequency Radar for the Integrated Ocean Observing System Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System Research & Sponsored Programs Office Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2007 SPAWAR Fellowship Holding Account Research & Sponsored Programs Office Kuska, Danielle A. View
2017 Nonexclusive License Agreement Research & Sponsored Programs Office Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2007 Royalty Payments Research & Sponsored Programs Office Kuska, Danielle A. View
2007 Hold Account for CRADA Funds Research & Sponsored Programs Office Kuska, Danielle A. View
2011 Transformative Education Forum Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2011 NPS/IDS Operations Research and Systems Analysis Workshop Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2011 Addressing Theater-Level Analysis Concerns Through a Systems Engineering Methodology: Strategic Assessment Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2011 GPOI Peacekeeping Operations Training Central Asia Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2011 Transformative Education Forum Provost Howard, Alan R. View
2014 Information Dominance and Other Technical Matters of Interest to ONRG President Ferrari, Leonard View
2011 Seaweb ASW Sensor Network Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2010 Numerical Modeling Efforts in Support of 3-D Environmental Variability and Acoustic Vector Field Studies Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2012 Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Performance Mounted on a Glider Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2011 Maritime In Situ Sensing Inter-Operable Network Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2011 Support for Studies on Current Transduction Systems and Measurement Infrastructure Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2012 National Consortium for Research Management Project Physics Trask, David M. View
2012 NPS Beam Physics Laboratory Directed Energy Fundamental Research Physics Swent, Richard L. View
2013 Multi-Mode Propagation and Laser Accelerator Physics Vigil, Ricardo View
2020 Sputtering system for MEMS Directional Acoustic Sensor Microfabrication Physics Alves, Fabio D. View
2019 Development of Ceramic Ball Body Armor Systems Physics Gamache, Raymond View
2019 Analysis and Optimization of IHEODTD MEMS Fuze Components Physics Grbovic, Dragoslav View
2017 NSFOCE-BSF: Acoustic Noise Interferometry for Ocean Remote Sensing Physics Godin, Oleg A. View
2018 Acoustic Sensing and Tracking Utilizing Acoustic Vector Sensors Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2018 Theses Research and Curriculum Support for the Combat Systems Science and Engineering Curriculum Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2020 Vector Sensor Performance from Moored and Drifting Platforms Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2013 Investigations of the Mechanical Properties of a Buried Fiber-Optic Sensor for Monitoring and Surveillance, FY 2013 Physics Baker, Steven R. View
2013 Investigations of the Mechanical Properties of a Buried Fiber-Optic Sensor for Monitoring and Surveillance, FY 2013-2014 Physics Baker, Steven R. View
2013 Investigation of the Effect of Detonation Convergence on Shaped Charged Jet Formation and Flow Stability Physics Brown, Ronald E. View