Research Summaries
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2007 Support of the Army Research Laboratory's (ARL) Collaborative Technologies Alliance (Advanced Decision Architectures Consortium) Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2018 Understanding Department of Defense Civilian Workforce Attrition Operations Research Whitaker, Lyn R. View
2019 JWAC Research Program at NPS Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2007 Administrative Support of the Human Systems Integration Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2019 Drydock Schedule Optimization Operations Research Lin, Kyle Y. View
2007 Support of the Army Research Laboratory's (ARL) Collaborative Technologies Alliance (Advanced Decision Architecture Consortium) Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2019 Machine Learning Methods for Intelligence Collection from Strategic Targets Operations Research Szechtman, Roberto View
2007 Longitudinal Study of Cadet Sleep Patterns Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2019 Understanding Department of Defense Civilian Workforce Attrition - Part II Operations Research Whitaker, Lyn R. View
2007 Administrative Support of the Human Systems Integration (HSI) Masters Degree Program and Development of the HSI Certificate Program Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2007 Expanding the Raptor R&D Environment Operations Research Shattuck, Lawrence G. View
2007 Integrated Mechanical Diagnostics Health and Usage Management System (IMD HUMS) Mechanical Diagnostics Operations Research Whitaker, Lyn R. View
2018 Military Applications of Optimization Operations Research Carlyle, William M. View
2007 Integrated Mechanical Diagnostics Health and Usage Management System (IMD HUMS) Mechanical Diagnostics Operations Research Whitaker, Lyn R. View
2020 Resident Wargaming Course Wargame Sponsorship Operations Research Appleget, Jeffrey A. View
2007 Travel in Support of Operations Analysis Experience Tours Operations Research Widdis, Daniel View
2020 Advancing the Science of Test via Simulation Experiments Operations Research Sanchez, Susan M. View
2011 Seaweb ASW Sensor Network Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2010 Numerical Modeling Efforts in Support of 3-D Environmental Variability and Acoustic Vector Field Studies Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2012 Analysis of Underwater Acoustic Sensor Performance Mounted on a Glider Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2011 Maritime In Situ Sensing Inter-Operable Network Physics Rice, Joseph A. View
2011 Support for Studies on Current Transduction Systems and Measurement Infrastructure Physics Smith, Kevin B. View
2012 National Consortium for Research Management Project Physics Trask, David M. View
2012 NPS Beam Physics Laboratory Directed Energy Fundamental Research Physics Swent, Richard L. View
2013 Multi-Mode Propagation and Laser Accelerator Physics Vigil, Ricardo View
2020 Sputtering system for MEMS Directional Acoustic Sensor Microfabrication Physics Alves, Fabio D. View
2019 Development of Ceramic Ball Body Armor Systems Physics Gamache, Raymond View
2019 Analysis and Optimization of IHEODTD MEMS Fuze Components Physics Grbovic, Dragoslav View
2017 NSFOCE-BSF: Acoustic Noise Interferometry for Ocean Remote Sensing Physics Godin, Oleg A. View
2018 Acoustic Sensing and Tracking Utilizing Acoustic Vector Sensors Physics Smith, Kevin B. View