Research Summaries
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2009 METOC Metrics for Naval Special Warfare Operations Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2007 METOC Metrics for Naval Special Warfare Operations Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2008 Understanding and Predicting Changes in the Workforce for Ocean Sciences, Technology and Operations Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2008 Metrics for MIW Operations Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2008 Automation of Ocean Product Metrics Meteorology Murphree, James T. View
2008 Weather Forecast and Support for Ft. Ord Prescribed Burns Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2010 New Tools for Estimating and Managing Air Quality in Prescribed Burns Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2016 Tropical Cyclone Intensity and Structure Changes due to Upper-Level Outflow and Environmental Interactions Meteorology Hendricks, Eric A. View
2008 Improving Surface Flux Parameterization Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2009 Weather Forecasting for Ft. Ord Prescribed Burns Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2016 Improving HWRF through a Simple Parameterization of Spatial Inhomogeneity of Surface Drag Meteorology Montgomery, Michael T. View
2007 Understand the Air-Sea Coupling Processes in High Wind Conditions Using a Synthesized Data Analysis and Modeling Approach Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2009 New Tools for Estimating and Managing Air Quality in Prescribed Burns Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2016 Weather Forecasting for Ft. Ord Prescribed Burning Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2010 Shipboard Measurements of Flux and Near Surface Profiles and Analysis of Surface Flux Parameterizations Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2016 Improving the Velocity Component of the Radar Data Assimilation System in COAMPS Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2016 Technical Evaluation on Submarine-Based Meteorological Sensor Developments Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2021 San Joaquin Valley airborne flux measurement of volatile organic compounds and oxides of nitrogen Meteorology Bucholtz, Anthony View
2018 Propagation Channel Assessment and Prediction (PCAP): A Global Refractivity Information Database (GRID) for Electronic Warfare Prediction Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2021 Dynamics of Shallow to Deep Convective Transitions During CACTI Meteorology Powell, Scott View
2020 Meteorological support and development for Ft Ord Prescribed burns Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2021 Meteorological Measurements Supporting HELCAP Atmosphere Risk Reduction Meteorology Yamaguchi, Ryan T. View
2021 Climatology for Propagation Channel Assessment and Prediction (PCAP) Meteorology Frederickson, Paul A. View
2021 Sundowner Winds Experiment (SWEX) Meteorology Bucholtz, Anthony View
2019 Enhanced Remote-Sensing Methane Emission Surveyor Demonstration Project Meteorology Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2017 C-Harrier CalVal Meteorology Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2011 Improved Automation and Performance of VORTRAC Intensity Guidance Meteorology Bell, Michael M. View
2011 Sheer Effects on Convection for Different Stages of TC Development Observed in TCS08 Meteorology Chang, Chih-Pei View
2021 NPS-CIRPAS Airborne Research for ONR in 2021 Meteorology Bucholtz, Anthony View
2011 Regional Numerical Weather Prediction for Aerosol Modeling Meteorology Chang, Chih-Pei View