Research Summaries
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2017 Ground Vehicle Survivability Research & Ed Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Adams, Christopher A. View
2014 Recovery Options for the Kepler Space Telescope Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2015 CMG Duty-Cycle Optimization Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2017 Rapid Slews for Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2013 Air Force Research Laboratory/Naval Postgraduate School Collaboration Research Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2015 DL Course Instruction of AE3830 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2017 NASA Support for GNC Programs Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Ross, Isaac M. View
2014 Multidisciplinary Energy Studies Support for USMC Expeditionary Energy Office Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Sathe, Sanjeev B. View
2015 DL Course Instruction of AE4850 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2014 Flow Battery Technology Evaluation Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Sathe, Sanjeev B. View
2015 Modification and Development of AE4850 Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2015 Precision Guidance Applications of Pseudospectral Optimal Control Theory Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2018 Energy Systems Technology Evaluation Program (ESTEP) Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Gannon, Anthony J. View
2015 Two Wheel Only Large Angle Attitude Slew Maneuver Controller Design and Development Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Karpenko, Mark View
2015 Adaptive Optics Control for Strong Turbulence Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kim, Jae-Jun View
2013 FSI Effects on Dynamic Responses and Failures of Composite Structures Under Fluid Structure Interaction Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kwon, Young W. View
2015 Modeling of Structural Damping Subjected to UNDEX Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kwon, Young W. View
2015 Study of Superhydrophobic Samples for Frictional Drag, Biofouling and Corrosion in Seawater Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kwon, Young W. View
2015 Study on Effects of Thermal Cycles on Microstructural and Macrostructual Properties of HY80 Steel Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Kwon, Young W. View
2015 Environmental Degradation Resistance of Structured Nanocomposites Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Luhrs, Claudia C. View
2013 State-Space Analysis of Model Error: A Probabilistic Parameter Estimation Framework with Spatial Analysis of Variance Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2013 Mountainous Terrain Atmospheric Modeling and Observations Program Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2013 Operational Weather Forecasting for Ft. Ord Prescribed Burns Meteorology Nuss, Wendell A. View
2017 CIRPAS Twin Otter Field Campaigns 2017 Meteorology Jonsson, Haflidi H. View
2011 Aircraft Observations for Improved Physical Parameterization for Seasonal Prediction Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2013 Near Surface Measurements and Coupled Ocean and Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System Simulation for Electromagnetic Wave Propagation Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2011 Aircraft Measurements for Understanding Air-Sea Coupling and Improving Coupled Model Predictions Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2014 Aircraft Observations for Improved Physical Parameterization for Seasonal Prediction Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2014 Improvement of NRL's COAMP Model by Improving the Radar Data Assimilation System and Model Physics Meteorology Wang, Qing View
2014 Coupled Air Sea Processes and EM Ducting Research (CASPER) Meteorology Wang, Qing View