Research Summaries
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2011 Capstone Synthesis and Policy Implications: African Security Challenges Now and Over the Horizon Project National Security Affairs Piombo, Jessica R. View
2015 Captured Cost of Current Tactical OTH Communications Capabilities for Extended MAGTF Ops Naval Research Program Singh, Gurminder View
2022 Capturing Risk in Capital Budgeting Naval Research Program Mun, Johnathan C. View
2009 Capturing the Narrative 1991 Uprising in Iraq National Security Affairs Kadhim, Abbas K. View
2017 Car-Sharing on Navy Installations Naval Research Program MacKinnon, Douglas J. View
2010 Carbon Nanotube - Enhanced Fluid Technology Characterization Systems Engineering Kwon, Young W. View
2007 Carbon Nanotube Device Radiation Susceptibility and Mitigation Techniques Space Systems Academic Group Loomis, Jr., Herschel H. View
2015 Carderock Cyber Security Fundamentals Certificate Program, Curriculum 256 Cyber Academic Group (CAG) Irvine, Cynthia E. View
2013 Career Path Analysis Defense Analysis Fox, William P. View
2007 Case Study of a National Security Space Program Space Systems Academic Group Panholzer, Rudolf View
2009 Case Study of a National Security Space Program Space Systems Academic Group Scott, Alan D. View
2019 Catalytic Production of Carbon Nanotubes in a Plasma Energy Academic Group (EAG) Phillips, Jonathan View
2010 CeNCOOS: Environmental Monitoring in Support of Protected Marine Area Management Oceanography Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2012 CeNCOOS: Integrating Marine Operations for Decision Makers and the General Public Oceanography Paduan, Jeffrey D. View
2011 Celex, Carving and Contracts Computer Science Garfinkel, Simson L. View
2007 Cell BE Risk Reduction Analysis Computer Science Dinolt, George W. View
2009 Cell Broadband Engine Processor Architecture Computer Science Dinolt, George W. View
2008 Cell Broadband Engine Processor Architecture Encryption Applications Computer Science Dinolt, George W. View
2011 Center for Army Analysis Optimization Support Operations Research Ewing, Jr., Paul L. View
2008 Center for Edge Power Information Sciences Nissen, Mark E. View